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Yoda provides a dynamic proxy solution using haproxy, etcd and confd. A lot of code/config has been ported from deis project. The etcd structure has been adopted based on Vulcand project. The intent of this proxy is to replace totem proxy.

Etcd Layout


In Testing. Initial development complete. It is still not ready for production use. Etcd structure is more or less frozen.


Running Proxy

In order to run proxy, you need docker v1.1.0+ installed on your host.

Execution without SNI SSL Certificates

sudo docker run --name yoda --rm -t -i -P -p 80:80 -p 443:443 totem/yoda-proxy

Execution with SNI SSL Certificates

In order to run with SNI certificates, you need to have Amazon S3 account with read permission on ssl certificates bucket. Your S3 certificates should be grouped together with key prefix (or fodler name "certs.d").

E.g.: yoda-s3-bucket/certs.d/default.pem (Note: Default cert is mandatory) yoda-s3-bucket/certs.d/certificate1.pem

For SNI to work, ensure that each PEM certificate consists of : Private Key, Public Key, CA Chain (In this order).

Once ssl bucket is setup, simply run command below to start your proxy:

sudo docker run --name yoda --rm -t -i -v /dev/log:/dev/log -P -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<<S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID>> -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<<S3_SECRET_KEY>> -e S3_YODA_BUCKET=<<S3_BUCKET_NAME>> -e SYNC_CERTS=true totem/yoda-proxy

Using Docker Compose (w/o SNI Certs)

In order to run a local docker compose stack with proxy and etcd, run command:

docker-compose up yoda

ETCD Configuration

###Upstreams (Backend Servers) In order to register your backend servers for your host, run command:

etcdctl set /yoda/upstreams/<<upstream-name>>/endpoints/<<service-name>> <<service-host>>:<<service-port>>

upstream-name is logical name for your upstream. e.g.:
service-name is name of your service. E.g.: node1
service-host is host/ip address for your service
service-port is port at which your service listens to.


etcdctl set /yoda/upstreams/
etcdctl set /yoda/upstreams/

If backend is of the type tcp and not http, also add the mode for the upstream. e.g:

etcdctl set /yoda/upstreams/ tcp

###Host and Location Information In order to register your hosts and location:

  • Specify allowed, denied, acls
    /yoda/hosts/{hostname}/locations/{location-name}/acls/allowed/{allowed-entry-name} {acl_name} /yoda/hosts/{denied-entry-name} {acl_name}
etcdctl set /yoda/hosts/ public
etcdctl set /yoda/hosts/ global-black-list
  • Specify Proxy Path
    /yoda/hosts/{hostname}/locations/{location-name}/path {path_value}
etcdctl set /yoda/hosts/ /
  • Specify Upstream for proxy
    /yoda/hosts/{hostname}/locations/{location-name}/upstream {upstream} e.g.:
etcdctl set /yoda/hosts/

Once you are ready to switch proxy to new upstream for doing blue-green deploys, simply execute command:

etcdctl set /yoda/hosts/
  • Specify Additional hosts (aliases) for proxy
    /yoda/hosts/{hostname}/aliases/{alias-name} {alias} e.g.:
etcdctl set /yoda/hosts/

###TCP Proxy Configuration In order to configure tcp based proxy, add tcp listeners for the proxy. For e.g. to add tcp listener for rabbitmq at port 5672, run commands:

etcdctl set /yoda/global/listeners/tcp/rabbitmq-main/bind
etcdctl set /yoda/global/listeners/tcp/rabbitmq-main/upstream backend-rabbitmq
etcdctl set /yoda/global/listeners/tcp/rabbitmq-main/acls/allowed/a1 public
etcdctl set /yoda/global/listeners/tcp/rabbitmq-main/acls/denied/d1 global-black-list

Ensure that backend use mode as tcp and not http.

etcdctl set /yoda/upstreams/backend-rabbitmq/mode tcp

In addition, to access listeners from outside, ensure that you provide port mapping option in docker run command. e.g. -p 5672:5672

In order to have ports dynamically allocated on the host , without having a need of port mapping, host network can be utilized (--net=host option)


sudo docker run --name yoda --rm --net=host -t -i -v /dev/log:/dev/log -P totem/yoda-proxy

Integration Test

In order to run integration tests using docker-compose, simply run command:

docker-compose up yoda-test

This will

  • Bring up yoda and etcd
  • Run nosetests using a separate container in same network.