- Python 3
- S3 storage for videos required
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure images are rotated correctly, e.g. with
mogrify -alpha on -auto-orient *.jpg
To compile Sass please.
yarn # to install dependencies, run it once
yarn scss:watch
- convert these TODOs to issues
- add letters to images
- edit images for consistent lighting and scale
- name letter holding images with letter and number, e.g.
- write
method which creates a video made from images for each letter inmessage
- append audio file to video. video must be same duration as audio file (~20 seconds)
- store the video on s3, e.g.
- build web UI for card creation
- build web UI for card viewing / sharing
database for tracking created videos, views and shares
Please set the following environmental variables
- password used to flush already created videos.S3_BUCKET
- S3 storage variables
Add dokku to your git remote:
git remote add dokku [email protected]:beatbox
Add port 80:
dokku proxy:ports-add beatbox http:80:5000
dokku config:set SECRET_KEY='your app secret key' S3_SECRET='' S3_ACCESS_KEY='' S3_BUCKET='' CACHE_FLUSH_PASSWORD=''
Add Nginx caching:
dokku plugin:install https://github.com/koalalorenzo/dokku-nginx-cache.git nginx-cache
dokku nginx-cache:enable beatbox
Flushing created videos
curl -X POST -d "password=your-password-here" https://beatbox.torchbox.com/flush-s3/
curl -X POST -d "password=your-password-here" https://beatbox.torchbox.com/flush-tmp/
Flushing the Nginx cache
dokku nginx-cache:clear