Explainifies ruby objects in the console, showing you the source structure and making your life a tiny bit easier.
Default output shows the mixins and superclasses related to any object and what methods have been defined where.
Additionally the source of any method can been printed directly to the console.
You're currently looking at a placeholder project that contains this readme and little else.
You can build and run the gem, if you're some kind of ultra-early adopter, like this:
cd myprojectshome
git clone https://github.com/tonyxyz/explainification.git
cd explainification
gem build explainification.gemspecgem install explainification-0.0.0.gem
rvm use 1.9.3-p194 # or any other 1.9.x - probably won't work with anything earlier
rvm gemset use global
gem install explainification-0.0.0.gem
cd someotherdirectoryentirely
> require 'explainification'
> String.explainify