Coffeescript, ecmascript, webpack and mocha working happily together
This is an example project demonstrating a configuration problem I was having getting webpack, mocha, mochapack and coffeescript working happing together.
The problem was fairly simple to fix. I'll leave this here on the off chance it points someone else in the right direction.
The file imports animejs. It doesn't do anything with it but that's not the problem.
The anime object is created and exported in perfectly normal es6 syntax, the problem appears to be that the configuration as it stands is attempting to load the file as legacy es5.
RUNTIME EXCEPTION Exception occurred while loading your tests
export default anime;
If we delete the import line in the test passes as expected.
The problem was that for some historical reason I had kept this line
externals: [nodeExternals()],
in my webpack.config.js . This meant that the animejs modules was never loaded through webpack and instead mocha tried loading it at run time, and without a runtime loader was expecting to see es5.
The fixed code is on a branch called fixed, and the original broken code is on master.
Ensure you have an up to date nodejs version available. (The .nvmrc specifies 11.10.0 but the failure is not specific to that version.)
npm install
npm run test
Please feel free to add a PR to this repo. Or answer my question stackoverflow.
I'd be enormously grateful!