A Jquery Widget that allows the user to take a filmstrip image and create a looping sequence, as well as adding some interactivity to the image via an action loop.
- jQuery 1.9+
- jQuery UI 1.8.16+ - To make the widget
This folder contains the assets I used to make the deer loop (just not the 3D file).
- Swap the source footage (replace footage)
- Adjust the comp size
- Adjust the sliders on the first layer to correct the expressions for frame rate, etc.
- Simply duplicate the layer (CTRL + D) once for each frame
- Finally produce your final image with a single frame render in the render queue.
- filmStripClass: '' - string: name of the class to use for the widget if not the main element
- controlAttr: 'background-position' - string: attribute to adjust
- filmDir: 0 - 0 number: for horizontal, 1 for vertical
- frameSize: 50 - number: width or height of the filmstrip frame given the direction of motion
- filmUnits: 'px' - string: units to slide frame
- frameRate: 30 - number: rate of play in frames per second
- loopFrameArr: [ 0, 100 ] - array: numbers for the begining and ending frames of the base loop
- actionFramesArr: [ 101, 200 ] - array: numbers for the begining and ending frames of the action loop
- interactive: true - boolean: whether or not the image has an action loop
- automate: true - boolean: whether to automatically trigger the loop on load
- actionFlag: false - boolean: flag used to trigger an 'action loop' at the loop interchange
- advFrame ( Number ) - Number: Number of frames to advance defaults to 1 if undefined
- stopPlay () - stops the interactive image timer
- startPlay () - starts the interactive image timer
- triggerAction () - sets the action flag to trigger the action loop
- clearActionFlag () - clears the action flag (which triggers the action loop)
$( '#myID' ).intImage();
The MIT License (MIT)