The posts about “emacs/elisp” that I publish on the subreddit r/emacs in an org document.
The posts are in the file ./ and this file is meant to be read inside Emacs.
To make the internal local links to Emacs and Org-mode repositories work correctly, make sure to clone those repositories.
A clean procedure to get started with this document is:
git clone
cd posts
git clone git://
git clone
- [2022-05-11 Wed] org-mode links in 2022: implementation, packages, articles and videos | THIS IS EMACS
- [2022-05-06 Fri] org-store-link… powerful and flexible | THIS IS EMACS
- [2022-05-04 Wed] org-mode links everywhere, not only in org-mode buffers | THIS IS EMACS
- [2022-04-29 Fri] Link to a git commit from Org mode using Magit | THIS IS EMACS
- [2022-04-27 Wed] FULL example of org-mode links: internal links and search options
- [2022-04-22 Fri] Programming with Elisp is magic
- [2022-04-19 Tue] If you have never used wgrep with rg.el to rename a function in several files, try it | that will blow your mind
- [2022-04-15 Fri] Ripgrep is fantastic | Emacs is fantastic | BOOM you get the fantastic rg.el
- [2022-04-13 Wed] Don’t explain, show me examples! A tour of the catch/throw pattern in the Emacs source code
- [2022-04-09 Sat] Did you know that Org links in property drawers are not links?
- [2022-04-04 Mon] Search options in file links | link abbreviations | COME WITH ME on this JOURNEY into the heart of the command org-open-at-point
- [2022-03-22 Tue] Org Speed Keys! BOOM! Great org-mode’s feature! And a good OPPORTUNITY to talk about self-insert-command
- [2022-03-11 Fri] Did you know that org-mode’s source code contains more than 5000 examples?
- [2022-03-05 Sat] I bet you use hl-line-mode… Do you know how it works? Overlays, post-command-hook and only 5 functions!!!
- [2022-02-26 Sat] Have you ever wondered how org-mode toggles the visibility of headings?
- [2022-02-20 Sun] You want to write a custom org backend? let’s write onlybold backend together to get you started
- [2022-02-11 Fri] Some examples on closures and lexical-binding