This repository contains a modified version of PoseNet by Dan Oved that sends detected keypoints as OSC encoded datagram packets. This enables tracked keypoints to be used within any OSC compatible environment (Max/MSP, Python, PD, C++, Processing, you name it). This is effectively PoseNet + osc-js.
PoseNet is a wabcam-based real-time motion tracking system that runs in a browser using TensorFlow.
PoseNet can be used to estimate either a single pose or multiple poses, meaning there is a version of the algorithm that can detect only one person in an image/video and one version that can detect multiple persons in an image/video.
Refer to this blog post for a high-level description of PoseNet running on Tensorflow.js.
To get this running stand alone on your computer, clone this repo and follow these steps:
Install node (using homebrew):
brew install node
Install yarn:
brew install yarn
Install dependencies and prepare the build directory:
Watch files for changes, and launch a dev server:
yarn watch
In another terminal window run the bridge node application:
node bridge.js
In Firefox or Chrome, browse to http://localhost:1234
Now keypoints can be received as OSC messages on port 9876.
OSC messages will have an address pattern /pose/n
, where n
is the index of the pose (person) found in a frame, and all keypoints for that pose will follow as arguments in the order part, x, y
where part
is the keypoint body part (string) and x
and y
are the coordinates of the part (floats).
All keypoints correspond to a body part. The parts are:
Part |
nose |
leftEye |
rightEye |
leftEar |
rightEar |
leftShoulder |
rightShoulder |
leftElbow |
rightElbow |
leftWrist |
rightWrist |
leftHip |
rightHip |
leftKnee |
rightKnee |
leftAnkle |
rightAnkle |