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Compiling C --> RiscV --> Flipjump --> .fjm

This compiler is a proof that any program can be compiled into a bunch of NOT operations. Read more about FlipJump: Github, Esolangs, Learn FlipJump.

An example program, primes/main.c:

int main() {
    printf("Calculate primes up to: ");
    int max_number;
    scanf("%d", &max_number);
    for (int p = 3; p <= max_number; p += 2) {
        if (non_prime[p] == false) {
            for (int i = p*p; i <= max_number; i += p) {
                non_prime[i] = true;
            printf("%d\n", p);
    return 0;

Compiled into this:


Which was compiled into this:


Which in turn compiled into:


Now, run it (Remember, these are flipjump ops that are running):

Calculate primes up to: 20
Program exited with exit code 0x0.

How to install

>>> pip install c2fj
>>> sudo apt install picolibc-riscv64-unknown-elf

How to use

Simply python3 file.c will compile your c file into an elf, into fj files, into fjm, then run it.

c2fj supports the next flags:

  • --breakpoints Place a fj-breakpoint at the start of the specified riscv addresses
  • --single-step Place fj-breakpoints at the start of all riscv opcodes
  • --unify_fj Unify the generated fj files into a single file
  • --finish-after Stop the compilation at any step (before running, before creating fjm, etc.)
  • --build-dir Save the builds in this directory

What if my project is more then a single c?

We support specifying a Makefile path, instead of the c file!
Your Makefile will have to rely on some constants that c2fj will fill:


An example Makefile:

GCC := riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc

SOURCES := $(C2FJ_SOURCES) main.c globals.c calculate_int.c

all: |

	rm -r build 2>/dev/null || true

.PHONY: clean all

You can also specify your own linker script. It should contain the following:

  • _stack_end (just after the end of the stack)
  • _sdata (start of the data section)
  • __heap_start (start of the heap)

How Does It Work?

First your C files are being compile to a RiscV elf.
The compilation is done with picolibc, and the project provides it any of the function implementation needed, in order for it to support the next phase of fj-compilation.

For example, look at exit (c2fj_init.c):

void exit(int status) {
    asm volatile ("jal %0, .+10" ::"r"(status):"memory");

It uses jal with bad offset, thus will be parsed here as: (

    return f'    .syscall.exit {register_name(rd)}\n'

Thus, will get to the flipjump implementation of: (

def exit src_register {
    stl.output "Program exited with exit code "
    hex.print_uint 2, src_register, 1, 1
    stl.output ".\n"

You can think of it like this: The C->RiscV compilation compiles the syscalls to a special (invalid) RiscV op, that gets parsed and further compiled into the fj implementation of the "requested syscall". The supported syscalls can be found in c2fj_init.c, and they contain _getc, _putc, exit, sbrk.

Every other opcode (Let's follow addi x10, x11, 7 for example), will be compiled into itself.

The RiscV -> FlipJump part of the compilation parses the compiled elf, and matches each opcode with the appropriate flipjump macro. For example:

elif opcode == RV_ALU_IMM:
    if funct3 == RV_ADDI:
        ops_file.write(i_type('addi', full_op))

Then the riscv.addi macro is being used. The riscv ops macros are space-optimized. They are so much optimized, that each takes 30-40 fj-ops in space.
That is by design. The space optimization allows this project to handle very large c code bases, and still being able to compile it without any problem. That means that the compilation time doesn't really depend on the size of your codebase.

The way it works, is that each opcode is implemented once in the riscv.start macro. For example:

    hex.add .HLEN, .rs1, .rs2
    stl.fret .ret

Note how addi is implemented:

def addi mov_from_rs1, mov_to_rs1, imm < .do_add {
    .reg_imm_fast_op mov_from_rs1, mov_to_rs1, imm, .do_add

// Sets rs1 according to the given "fcall_label", rs2 to the given imm,
//  fcalls "do_op", then moves the result to the appropriate dst reg.
def reg_imm_fast_op mov_from_dest, mov_to_rs1, imm, do_op @ table, xor_imm_to_rs2, end < .ret, .zero_rs2, .rs2 {
    wflip .ret+w, table+dw, .ret

    pad 16
    .ret+dbit+2; do_op          // 4th
    .ret+dbit+1; mov_to_rs1     // 1st
    .ret+dbit+1; xor_imm_to_rs2 // 3rd
    .ret+dbit+0; .zero_rs2      // 2nd
    .ret+dbit+0; mov_from_dest  // 5th
    wflip .ret+w, table+5*dw, end   // 6th

    .__xor_by_hex_const .HLEN, .rs2, imm
    stl.fret .ret


def moves_to_from_middle_regs {
  zero_rs2: .HLEN, .rs2
    stl.fret .ret

Most of the space goes on the two wflips (total @-4 ops).
The line with 1st is done first, 2nd goes second, and so on. That's a compact way of doing multiple fcalls with a single pair of wflips.

So as you see, the macro gets a mov_to_rs1 and mov_from_dest macros. For the example of the addi x10, x11, 7, the next macro names will be specified:

ns riscv {
  mov_rs1_to_x10: .HLEN, .regs.x10, .rs1
    stl.fret .ret

  mov_x11_to_rs1: .HLEN, .rs1, .regs.x11
    stl.fret .ret

And the addi x10, x11, 7 opcode will be compiled into riscv.addi mov_rs1_to_x10, mov_x11_to_rs1, 7.

So when the 1st line is executed, the mov_x11_to_rs1 code will be executed, and it will return to the start of the 2nd line.
Note that most of the macros use the global fj variables rs1, rs2, rd (part of the riscv namespace).
Then, in the second line rs2 is being zeroed.
The third line xors the given immediate (7) to rs2, and the forth line does the actual addition (by jumping to do_op which is do_add in our case).
The fifth line will move the result (which do_add puts in rs1) to x10, using the given mov_rs1_to_x10 argument.
Then, the macro will finish.

If you want to understand it better, feel free to jump into the FlipJump and read how things work in the bits and bytes level.

The next phase uses the flipjump python package to compile the given .fj files into the compiles .fjm file (which is segments of data, and by data I mean bits of flips and jumps).
The last phase, running the .fjm file, uses the flipjump package to interpret the .fjm file, and allows to debug it too.

Jumps Tables, Memory?

In the previous section I talked about the file that was created in the compilation process, but there are two more files that gets created in that process too.

The entire loadable memory of the compiled elf is being loaded into flipjump using this file. It contains all the loadable bytes of the memory in fj hex variables.
There are no memory restrictions on it, thus the running program can read/write/execute from it freely.
Note that the riscv opcodes are part of the loadable memory too, and you can modify that part of memory too, and it will change, but the compiled riscv-ops themselves (in won't change.

That's a jump table to every runnable riscv address. That helps us in jumping ops, because the macro addresses of the ops in the can't be predicted easily.
Think of how can you jump to address 0x144. The label riscv.ADDR_00000144 in is not in some fixed place, or something that related to 0x144. Yet, the current;y running opcode ant to jump to address 0x144. Then what do we do?
Use a jump table! It looks something like:

segment .JMP + 0x00000000/4*dw

The 0x144 address is at fixed offset from the global .JMP address, thus jumping to riscv memory address 0x144 became as easy as jumping to fj-address .JMP + 0x144*dw (as dw is the length of one fj opcode, in bits).


Simply run pytest to run the tests. This package is tested on linux and python 3.13.

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