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Wordle Stuff


file desc openai.gym reinforcement learning environment(s) for playing wordle
playground.ipynb a notebook for playing around with envs and agents and some manual analysis agents that work in the env(s)
valid-words.csv words that wordle accepts
word-bank.csv possible correct wordle words trained ppo agent on env2 script for training stable_baselines agent script for continued training of existing agent script to play wordle on env2 in the terminal


play wordle in terminal


train agent



tensorboard --logdir ./ppo_wordle_tensorboard/



Position Frequency

This is the frequency of each letter in each position. For example the first (0th) letter is s in 15.8% of word bank words.

0 freq 1 freq 2 freq 3 freq 4 freq
0 s 0.158099 a 0.131317 a 0.132613 e 0.137365 e 0.183153
1 c 0.0855292 o 0.120518 i 0.114903 n 0.0786177 y 0.157235
2 b 0.07473 r 0.115335 o 0.1054 s 0.0738661 t 0.109287
3 t 0.0643629 e 0.104536 e 0.0764579 a 0.0704104 r 0.0915767
4 p 0.0613391 i 0.087257 u 0.0712743 l 0.0699784 l 0.0673866
5 a 0.0609071 l 0.0868251 r 0.0704104 i 0.0682505 h 0.0600432
6 f 0.0587473 u 0.0803456 n 0.0600432 c 0.0656587 n 0.0561555
7 g 0.049676 h 0.062203 l 0.0483801 r 0.0656587 d 0.0509719
8 d 0.0479482 n 0.037581 t 0.0479482 t 0.0600432 k 0.0488121
9 m 0.0462203 t 0.0332613 s 0.0345572 o 0.0570194 a 0.0276458
10 r 0.0453564 p 0.0263499 d 0.0323974 u 0.0354212 o 0.025054
11 l 0.038013 w 0.0190065 g 0.0289417 g 0.0328294 p 0.0241901
12 w 0.0358531 c 0.0172786 m 0.0263499 d 0.0298056 m 0.0181425
13 e 0.0311015 m 0.0164147 p 0.025054 m 0.0293737 g 0.0177106
14 h 0.0298056 y 0.00993521 b 0.024622 k 0.0237581 s 0.0155508
15 v 0.0185745 d 0.00863931 c 0.0241901 p 0.0215983 c 0.0133909
16 o 0.0177106 b 0.00691145 v 0.0211663 v 0.0198704 f 0.0112311
17 n 0.0159827 s 0.00691145 y 0.012527 f 0.0151188 w 0.00734341
18 i 0.0146868 v 0.00647948 w 0.0112311 h 0.012095 i 0.00475162
19 u 0.0142549 x 0.00604752 f 0.0107991 w 0.0107991 b 0.00475162
20 q 0.00993521 g 0.00518359 k 0.00518359 b 0.0103672 x 0.00345572
21 k 0.00863931 k 0.00431965 x 0.00518359 z 0.00863931 z 0.00172786
22 j 0.00863931 f 0.00345572 z 0.00475162 x 0.0012959 u 0.000431965
23 y 0.00259179 q 0.00215983 h 0.00388769 y 0.0012959 nan nan
24 z 0.0012959 z 0.000863931 j 0.0012959 j 0.000863931 nan nan
25 nan nan j 0.000863931 q 0.000431965 nan nan nan nan

Overall Frequency

The following summary stats are for letters in word bank words.


  • words_contain - number of words that contain a letter
  • words_contain_percent - %age of words that contain a letter
  • freq - average number of a letter contained in a word
  • freq_if_present - average number of a letter contained in a word for words that contain the letter
  • max_freq - max number of times a letter is in a word
letter words_contain words_contain_percent freq freq_if_present max_freq
a 909 0.392657 0.422894 1.07701 2
b 267 0.115335 0.121382 1.05243 3
c 448 0.193521 0.206048 1.06473 2
d 370 0.159827 0.169762 1.06216 3
e 1056 0.456156 0.532613 1.16761 3
f 207 0.0894168 0.0993521 1.11111 3
g 300 0.12959 0.134341 1.03667 2
h 379 0.163715 0.168035 1.02639 2
i 647 0.279482 0.289849 1.03709 2
j 27 0.0116631 0.0116631 1 1
k 202 0.087257 0.0907127 1.0396 2
l 648 0.279914 0.310583 1.10957 2
m 298 0.128726 0.136501 1.0604 3
n 550 0.237581 0.24838 1.04545 3
o 673 0.290713 0.325702 1.12036 2
p 346 0.14946 0.158531 1.06069 3
q 29 0.012527 0.012527 1 1
r 837 0.361555 0.388337 1.07407 3
s 618 0.266955 0.288985 1.08252 3
t 667 0.288121 0.314903 1.09295 3
u 457 0.197408 0.201728 1.02188 2
v 149 0.0643629 0.0660907 1.02685 2
w 194 0.0838013 0.0842333 1.00515 2
x 37 0.0159827 0.0159827 1 1
y 417 0.18013 0.183585 1.01918 2
z 35 0.0151188 0.0172786 1.14286 2

Best First Pick

Position Frequency

The following are the highest likelihood of correct letters in the correct place for word bank words (avg_score is the average number of correct letters in the correct place):

word avg_score in_bank
slate 0.620734 True
sauce 0.609503 True
slice 0.608639 True
shale 0.606048 True
saute 0.603888 True
share 0.601728 True
sooty 0.601296 True
shine 0.596976 True
suite 0.596544 True
crane 0.595248 True
saint 0.592225 True
soapy 0.590065 True
shone 0.587473 True
shire 0.584017 True
saucy 0.583585 True
slave 0.580562 True
sense 0.579698 True
cease 0.579698 True
saner 0.578402 True
stale 0.577106 True

and for all valid words:

word avg_score in_bank
saree 0.680346 False
sooey 0.678618 False
soree 0.669546 False
saine 0.666091 False
soare 0.660043 False
saice 0.653132 False
sease 0.652268 False
seare 0.64406 False
seine 0.639309 False
slane 0.639309 False
soole 0.637149 False
siree 0.636285 False
seise 0.634557 False
cooee 0.631965 False
soote 0.627214 False
slate 0.620734 True
soily 0.620734 False
soave 0.614255 False
samey 0.610367 False
sauce 0.609503 True

This is the same as above but avg_score also includes 0.5 for correct letters in the incorrect place. This is for word bank words:

word avg_score in_bank
stare 1.26026 True
arose 1.2486 True
slate 1.24536 True
raise 1.23564 True
arise 1.23542 True
saner 1.22981 True
snare 1.22916 True
irate 1.22721 True
stale 1.22354 True
crate 1.22073 True
trace 1.21296 True
later 1.20778 True
share 1.2013 True
store 1.19806 True
scare 1.19784 True
alter 1.19698 True
crane 1.19676 True
alert 1.18423 True
teary 1.18337 True
saute 1.18251 True

and all valid words:

word avg_score in_bank
soare 1.30929 False
roate 1.26307 False
stare 1.26026 True
arose 1.2486 True
orate 1.24665 False
slate 1.24536 True
raile 1.24449 False
raise 1.23564 True
arise 1.23542 True
strae 1.23153 False
saner 1.22981 True
snare 1.22916 True
salet 1.22721 False
irate 1.22721 True
saine 1.22441 False
stale 1.22354 True
slane 1.22138 False
taler 1.22117 False
crate 1.22073 True
ariel 1.22009 False

Overall Frequency

The following scores are the sum of unique letter words_contain_freq for word bank words:

word score in_bank
alter 1.7784 True
later 1.7784 True
alert 1.7784 True
irate 1.77797 True
arose 1.76803 True
stare 1.76544 True
raise 1.7568 True
arise 1.7568 True
learn 1.72786 True
renal 1.72786 True
saner 1.7149 True
snare 1.7149 True
cater 1.69201 True
trace 1.69201 True
react 1.69201 True
crate 1.69201 True
stale 1.6838 True
steal 1.6838 True
least 1.6838 True
slate 1.6838 True

and for valid words:

word score in_bank
oater 1.7892 False
roate 1.7892 False
orate 1.7892 False
realo 1.78099 False
taler 1.7784 False
artel 1.7784 False
ratel 1.7784 False
alert 1.7784 True
alter 1.7784 True
later 1.7784 True
terai 1.77797 False
irate 1.77797 True
retia 1.77797 False
raile 1.76976 False
ariel 1.76976 False
arose 1.76803 True
aeros 1.76803 False
soare 1.76803 False
taser 1.76544 False
strae 1.76544 False

Best Second Pick

If you chose alter and have no qualms about guessing words that don't contain any known letters:

word score in_bank
sonic 1.26825 True
scion 1.26825 True
noisy 1.25486 True
disco 1.1905 True
bison 1.19006 True
sound 1.15248 True
synod 1.13521 True
shiny 1.12786 True
spiny 1.11361 True
suing 1.11102 True
using 1.11102 True
minus 1.11015 True
bonus 1.10799 True
doing 1.09719 True
dingo 1.09719 True
spicy 1.06955 True
music 1.06609 True
snowy 1.05918 True
bingo 1.0527 True
hound 1.04924 True

and for oater:

word score in_bank
lysin 1.24406 False
linds 1.22376 False
sulci 1.21728 False
sling 1.19352 True
lings 1.19352 False
limns 1.19266 False
hilus 1.18747 False
blins 1.17927 False
incus 1.17495 False
pilus 1.17322 False
pulis 1.17322 False
shily 1.17019 False
clips 1.16933 False
idyls 1.16631 False
unlid 1.15421 False
linch 1.15421 False
gusli 1.15335 False
iglus 1.15335 False
muils 1.15248 False
simul 1.15248 False


Playing around with wordle






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