Releases: tomatophp/filament-plugins
Full Changelog: v1.1.4...v1.1.5
Install Plugins using command line
you can install a plugins using the command line by using this command
php artisan filament:plugins
you can select all to install all TomatoPHP ecosystem plugins or you can select the plugin you want to install
List of all TomatoPHP Plugins
you can list all TomatoPHP plugins by using this command
php artisan filament-plugins:list
Full Changelog: v1.1.3...v1.1.4
- update cover image h-full
Full Changelog: v1.1.2...v1.1.3
- update table per page options.
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1
List your package on the plugins list
you can list your package on the plugins list by adding this a json file in your package root folder with name module.json
with content like this:
"name": "FilamentAccounts",
"alias": "filament-accounts",
"description": {
"ar": "full accounts manager with API\/Notifications\/Contacts to manage your contacts and accounts",
"en": "full accounts manager with API\/Notifications\/Contacts to manage your contacts and accounts",
"gr": "full accounts manager with API\/Notifications\/Contacts to manage your contacts and accounts",
"sp": "full accounts manager with API\/Notifications\/Contacts to manage your contacts and accounts"
"keywords": [],
"priority": 0,
"providers": [
"files": [],
"title": {
"ar": "Filament Accounts",
"en": "Filament Accounts",
"gr": "Filament Accounts",
"sp": "Filament Accounts"
"color": "#007dff",
"icon": "heroicon-c-user-circle",
"placeholder": "placeholder.webp",
"type": "lib",
"version": "v1.0",
"github" : "",
"docs" : ""
make sure you allow packages scan on the filament-plugins.php
config file
'scan' => true
now you can publish your package as module with the very easy way use this command
php artisan filament-plugins:publish
and input your package name from the list and it will move it to your module folder and register the provider to you, so you can custom anything you like on the package.
Full Changelog: v1.0.15...v1.1.0