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Git Changelog Gradle Plugin

This is a Gradle plugin for Git Changelog Lib.

Published to

Version Java Version
version < 2.0.0 8
2.0.0 <= version < 2.2.0 11
2.2.0 <= version 17


There is a complete running example here and also with Kotlin DSL here.

There are some more examples in the build.gradle.

More documentation can be found in the Git Changelog Lib.

It will use master branch by default, you can change that with something like toRef = "main".

Default tasks

These tasks are configured when plugin is applied, no further configuration needed to use them.

You can also set the property setVersionConventional=true that will trigger the project.version to be updated. The gitChangelogSemanticVersion will update the version to late if you are also publishing in the same invocation. Triggering the versioning with the property will set the version earlier so that it is correct in the publications. The properties that can be set are:

# Needs to be set

# These can also be set, but they have defaults


plugin {
  id 'se.bjurr.gitchangelog.git-changelog-gradle-plugin' version 'X'

// Optional config if you want to configure the changelog
task gitChangelogTask(type: se.bjurr.gitchangelog.plugin.gradle.GitChangelogTask) {
 templateContent = """
  // Template here!

// Optional config if you want to configure versioning
task gitChangelogVersionTask(type: se.bjurr.gitchangelog.plugin.gradle.GitChangelogSemanticVersionTask) {
 suffixSnapshot = true;
 majorVersionPattern = "^[Bb]reaking"
 minorVersionPattern = "[Ff]eature"
 patchVersionPattern = "[Ff]ix"

Template - Simple

Changelog of ${projectDisplayName}.

## {{name}}
### {{name}} [{{issue}}]({{link}}) {{title}} {{#hasIssueType}} *{{issueType}}* {{/hasIssueType}} {{#hasLabels}} {{#labels}} *{{.}}* {{/labels}} {{/hasLabels}}
### {{name}} {{issue}} {{title}} {{#hasIssueType}} *{{issueType}}* {{/hasIssueType}} {{#hasLabels}} {{#labels}} *{{.}}* {{/labels}} {{/hasLabels}}
### {{name}}


 * {{.}}

[{{hash}}]({{ownerName}}/{{repoName}}/commit/{{hash}}) {{authorName}} *{{commitTime}}*



Template - Semantic versioning from conventional commits

If you are using conventional commits:

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]

A changelog can be rendered (using Helpers) like this:

# Changelog

{{#ifReleaseTag .}}
## [{{name}}]({{name}}) ({{tagDate .}})

  {{#ifContainsType commits type='feat'}}
### Features

      {{#ifCommitType . type='feat'}}
 - {{#eachCommitScope .}} **{{.}}** {{/eachCommitScope}} {{{commitDescription .}}} ([{{hash}}]({{hashFull}}))

  {{#ifContainsType commits type='fix'}}
### Bug Fixes

      {{#ifCommitType . type='fix'}}
 - {{#eachCommitScope .}} **{{.}}** {{/eachCommitScope}} {{{commitDescription .}}} ([{{hash}}]({{hashFull}}))


Example - custom helpers

You can add your own helpers and use them in the template. There are also built in Helpers.

apply plugin: "se.bjurr.gitchangelog.git-changelog-gradle-plugin"

import se.bjurr.gitchangelog.plugin.gradle.HelperParam;
import com.github.jknack.handlebars.Helper;
import com.github.jknack.handlebars.Options;

task gitChangelogTask(type: se.bjurr.gitchangelog.plugin.gradle.GitChangelogTask) {
  file = new File("");
  handlebarsHelpers = [
    new HelperParam("startsWith", new Helper<String>() {
      public Object apply(String from, Options options) throws IOException {
        def s = options.hash['s']
        if (from.matches("^" + s + ".*")) {
          return options.fn(this);
        } else {
          return options.inverse(this);
    new HelperParam("firstLetters", new Helper<String>() {
      public Object apply(String from, Options options) throws IOException {
        def number = new Integer(options.hash['number'])
        return from.substring(0,number);
  templateContent = """
    {{#startsWith messageTitle s='feat'}}
      Starts with feat: "{{messageTitle}}"
      first 10 letters of hash is: {{firstLetters hash number='10'}}

Get next release

It can also be used to get the next semantic version based on commits.

classpath 'se.bjurr.gitchangelog:git-changelog-lib:1.+'


buildscript {
 repositories {
 dependencies {
  classpath 'se.bjurr.gitchangelog:git-changelog-lib:1.+'

def nextVersion = se.bjurr.gitchangelog.api.GitChangelogApi.gitChangelogApiBuilder()

println "Next version:" + nextVersion.toString();
println " Major:" + nextVersion.getMajor();
println " Minor:" + nextVersion.getMinor();
println " Patch:" + nextVersion.getPatch();