######See my CRLF Nuclei Template also
vimeopro.com CRLF Injection #Always check only using %0d or %0a
HTTP Response Splitting (CRLF injection) in report_story
CRLF injection on www.starbucks.com
play.skillbox.ru CRLF Injection
CRLF Injection at vpn.bitstrips.com
CRLF Injection on https://vpn.mixmax.com
HTTP Response Splitting(CRLF injection) in bi.owox.com
CRLF Injection - http://stage.mackeeper.com/
CRLF Injection vpn.corp.cuvva.com
CRLF On Twitter Tweets# This is very Interesting and Unique
mod_userdir CRLF injection (CVE-2016-4975)
x-request-id header reflected in server response without sanitization # Interesting
CRLF injection mcs.mail.ru (leads to XSS)
stagecafrstore.starbucks.com CRLF Injection, XSS
www.*.myshopify.com CRLF Injection
[sales.mail.ru] CRLF Injection
[account-global.ubnt.com] CRLF Injection
[greenhouse.io] CRLF Injection / Insecure nginx configuration
[monitor.sjc.dropbox.com] CRLF Injection#Dropbox
[api.owncloud.org] CRLF Injection
HTTP Response Splitting (CRLF injection) due to headers overflow
#Bonus Payload: %E5%98%8A%E5%98%8Dcontent-type:text/html%E5%98%8A%E5%98%8Dlocation:%E5%98%8A%E5%98%8D%E5%98%8A%E5%98%8D%E5%98%BCsvg/onload=alert%28innerHTML%28%29%E5%98%BE
CRLF injection in https://verkkopalvelu.lahitapiola.fi/
[touch.lady.mail.ru] CRLF Injection
This Is all I found If you have more Ping me on twitter:https://twitter.com/mehul_vrma