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Stylesheet Property Reference
As of version 0.9.10, the keyword current
can be used as a value for any property to instruct InterfaCSS to forgo setting that property. This can for instance be useful to prevent overwriting of a property value when the value has been modified in code, or in case the default value of the property is desired.
- see-[NSString boolValue]
for more supported values - Simple boolean expressions (parsed using
- A number - integer or floating point.
- A simple mathematical expression, like
1 + @myVariable * 2
(parsed usingNSExpression
Property dependent, but always a expressed as a string on the form enumValue
(i.e. no quotes). The enum value can either be the full enum name (e.g. UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhiteLarge
) or a shorthand form, which can be derived by removing the enum type prefix from the enum name (e.g. whiteLarge
See ISSLayout Reference.
insets(top, left, bottom, right)
image(image.png, leftCapWidth, topCapHeight)
- Uses
[UIImage stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:topCapHeight]
- Uses
image(image.png, top, left, bottom, right)
- Uses
[UIImage resizableImageWithCapInsets:]
- Uses
- Quotes around filename are optional
offset(horizontal, vertical)
font-name size
, for example:HelveticaNeue-Medium 14
Also, the following functions can be applied to fonts, to produce a new font value
bigger(font, sizeIncrement)
smaller(font, sizeDecrement)
fontWithSize(font, size)
rgb(r, g, b)
- example:rgb(255, 128, 0)
rgba(r, g, b, a)
- example:rgba(255, 128, 0, 0.5)
- Hex string, i.e.
- UIColor predefined colors, i.e.
- Create pattern image color by specifying an
image value
Furthermore, the following functions can be applied to colors, to produce new colors:
darken(color, percent)
lighten(color, percent)
saturate(color, percent)
desaturate(color, percent)
fadein(color, percent)
fadeout(color, percent)
gradient(fromColor, toColor)
Color functions (except gradient) can also be nested, for instance: fadeout(darken(yellow, 20%), 50%)
Same as UIColor
rect(x, y, width, height)
- creates a CGRect with absolute point values
- creates a CGRect with the bounds of the parent view -
parent(xInset, yInset)
- creates a CGRect using the bounds of the parent view and with the specified insets applied (usingCGRectInset
) -
- creates a CGRect with the bounds of the main window -
window(xInset, yInset)
- creates a CGRect using the bounds of the main window and with the specified insets applied (usingCGRectInset
size(width, height)
- creates a CGRect with width/height in absolute point values or parent relative values. Relative values can either be percentage values like 50%
or the keyword auto
. The auto keyword is only useful if insets are specified along with the size, for instance: size(auto, 50%).left(5%).right(50)
. When auto is used, InterfaCSS makes sure that the sum of width/height and insets always adds up to the width/height of the parent. The auto keyword can also be used for insets, for instance to achieve horizontal or vertical centering, e.g: size(100, 100).left(auto).right(auto)
Insets are specified like this:
- One at a time:
size(width, height).top(inset).left(inset).bottom(inset).right(inset)
or - All at once:
size(width, height).insets(topInset, leftInset, bottomInset, rightInset)
sizeToFit(width, height)
- creates a CGRect by calling -[UIView sizeThatFits:]
, using width & height (in absolute point values or parent relative (percentage) values) as parameter. Insets can be used in the same way as specified above.
point(width, height)
- creates a CGPoint with absolute point values -
- creates a CGPoint centered in the parent view -
parent(xOffset, yOffset)
- creates a CGPoint centered in the parent view, with the specified offset -
- creates a CGPoint centered in the main window -
window(xOffset, yOffset)
- creates a CGPoint centered in the main window, with the specified offset
size(width, height)
translate(xOffset, yOffset)
scale(xScale, yScale)
- Combine one or more of the three transforms by separating them with whitespace.
"A String"
'A String'
- You can also make strings localized (
) like this:L("string")
Attributed strings are specified on the form
"substring1" (attribute: value, ...), "substring2" (attribute: value, ...), ...
The following attributes may be specified for attributed strings:
attributedText: "hello" (font: HelveticaNeue-Medium 12, color: orange, baselineOffset: 1) " world" (font: HelveticaNeue-Bold 14, color: red);
Some properties support specifying a set of parameters (or conditions) after the property name. These parameters are always expressed as enumeration values, see each property for supported types and the order of the parameters. Parameters are expressed like this: titleColor(highlighted): red
. Multiple parameter values are separated by comma (,
Below is a reference of the supported parameter types and possible values:
normal :
normalHighlighted :
UIControlStateNormal | UIControlStateHighlighted
highlighted :
UIControlStateNormal | UIControlStateHighlighted
selected :
selectedHighlighted :
UIControlStateSelected | UIControlStateHighlighted
disabled :
normal :
metricsDefault :
metricsLandscapePhone :
metricsLandscapePhonePrompt :
metricsDefaultPrompt :
metricsDefault :
segmentAny :
segmentLeft :
segmentCenter :
segmentRight :
segmentAlone :
segmentAny :
barPositionAny :
barPositionBottom :
barPositionTop :
barPositionTopAttached :
barPositionAny :
iconBookmark :
iconClear :
iconResultsList :
iconSearch :
iconBookmark :
The following size classes may be used in style declarations, to impose conditions on when a specific style is active or not:
- landscape
- landscapeLeft
- landscapeRight
- portrait
- portraitUpright
- portraitUpsideDown
- pad
- phone
- tv
- regularWidth
- compactWidth
- regularHeight
- compactHeight
- minosversion
- maxosversion
- devicemodel
- screenwidth
- screenwidthlessthan
- screenwidthgreaterthan
- screenheight
- screenheightlessthan
- screenheightgreaterthan
- enabled
- disabled
- nthchild
- nthlastchild
- onlychild
- firstchild
- lastchild
- nthoftype
- nthlastoftype
- onlyoftype
- firstoftype
- lastoftype
- empty
Below is a listing of all supported properties, listed under the UIKit class they belong to.
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
alpha | Number |
autoresizesSubviews | Boolean |
autoresizingMask | Enum |
left, none, bottom, right, width, height, top | |
backgroundColor | UIColor |
bounds | CGRect |
center | CGPoint |
clearsContextBeforeDrawing | Boolean |
clipsToBounds | Boolean |
contentMode | Enum |
top, redraw, scaleToFill, bottomLeft, bottomRight, scaleAspectFit, topRight, bottom, scaleAspectFill, topLeft, right, left, center | |
contentScaleFactor | Number |
exclusiveTouch | Boolean |
frame | CGRect |
hidden | Boolean |
(layer.)anchorPoint | CGPoint |
(layer.)borderColor | CGColor |
(layer.)borderWidth | Number |
(layer.)cornerRadius | Number |
layout | Layout |
layoutMargins | UIEdgeInsets |
multipleTouchEnabled | Boolean |
opaque | Boolean |
tintAdjustmentMode | Enum |
normal, dimmed, automatic | |
tintColor | UIColor |
transform | CGAffineTransform |
userInteractionEnabled | Boolean |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
activityIndicatorViewStyle | Enum |
white, whiteLarge, gray | |
color | UIColor |
hidesWhenStopped | Boolean |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
backButtonBackgroundImage | UIImage |
UIControlState , UIBarMetrics
backButtonBackgroundVerticalPositionAdjustment | Number |
UIBarMetrics |
backButtonTitlePositionAdjustment | UIOffset |
UIBarMetrics |
backgroundImage | UIImage |
UIControlState , UIBarMetrics , UIBarPosition
backgroundVerticalPositionAdjustment | Number |
UIBarMetrics |
enabled | Boolean |
font | UIFont |
UIControlState |
image | UIImage |
UIControlState |
imageInsets | UIEdgeInsets |
landscapeImagePhone | UIImage |
landscapeImagePhoneInsets | UIEdgeInsets |
shadowColor | UIColor |
UIControlState |
shadowOffset | UIOffset |
UIControlState |
style | Enum |
plain, done, bordered | |
textColor | UIColor |
UIControlState |
title | NSString |
titlePositionAdjustment | UIOffset |
UIBarMetrics |
width | Number |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
adjustsImageWhenDisabled | Boolean |
adjustsImageWhenHighlighted | Boolean |
attributedTitle | NSAttributedString |
backgroundImage | UIImage |
UIControlState , UIBarMetrics , UIBarPosition
contentEdgeInsets | UIEdgeInsets |
image | UIImage |
UIControlState |
imageEdgeInsets | UIEdgeInsets |
reversesTitleShadowWhenHighlighted | Boolean |
showsTouchWhenHighlighted | Boolean |
title | NSString |
UIControlState |
titleColor | UIColor |
UIControlState |
titleEdgeInsets | UIEdgeInsets |
titleShadowColor | UIColor |
UIControlState |
titleLabel * | UILabel |
imageView * | UIImageView |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
allowsMultipleSelection | Boolean |
allowsSelection | Boolean |
nested flow layout properties | TODO |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
contentHorizontalAlignment | Enum |
left, fill, right, center | |
contentVerticalAlignment | Enum |
top, bottom, fill, center | |
enabled | Boolean |
highlighted | Boolean |
selected | Boolean |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
highlightedImage | UIImage |
image | UIImage |
UIControlState |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth | Boolean |
attributedText | NSAttributedString |
baselineAdjustment | Enum |
none, alignBaselines, alignCenters | |
font | UIFont |
UIControlState |
highlightedTextColor | UIColor |
lineBreakMode | Enum |
wordWrapping, charWrapping, clipping, truncatingHead, truncatingTail, truncatingMiddle | |
minimumFontSize | Number |
minimumScaleFactor | Number |
numberOfLines | Number |
preferredMaxLayoutWidth | Number |
shadowColor | UIColor |
UIControlState |
shadowOffset | UIOffset |
UIControlState |
text | NSString |
textAlignment | Enum |
left, right, center | |
textColor | UIColor |
UIControlState |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
backIndicatorImage | UIImage |
backIndicatorTransitionMaskImage | UIImage |
backgroundImage | UIImage |
UIControlState , UIBarMetrics , UIBarPosition
barStyle | Enum |
default, blackTranslucent, black, blackOpaque | |
barTintColor | UIColor |
font | UIFont |
UIControlState |
shadowColor | UIColor |
UIControlState |
shadowImage | UIImage |
UIBarPosition |
shadowOffset | UIOffset |
UIControlState |
textColor | UIColor |
UIControlState |
translucent | Boolean |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
progressImage | UIImage |
progressTintColor | UIColor |
progressViewStyle | Enum |
bar, default | |
trackImage | UIImage |
trackTintColor | UIColor |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
alwaysBounceHorizontal | Boolean |
alwaysBounceVertical | Boolean |
bounces | Boolean |
bouncesZoom | Boolean |
canCancelContentTouches | Boolean |
contentInset | UIEdgeInsets |
contentOffset | CGPoint |
contentSize | CGSize |
decelerationRate | Enum |
fast, normal | |
delaysContentTouches | Boolean |
directionalLockEnabled | Boolean |
indicatorStyle | Enum |
white, default, black | |
keyboardDismissMode | Enum |
none, onDrag, interactive | |
maximumZoomScale | Number |
minimumZoomScale | Number |
pagingEnabled | Boolean |
scrollEnabled | Boolean |
scrollIndicatorInsets | UIEdgeInsets |
scrollsToTop | Boolean |
showsHorizontalScrollIndicator | Boolean |
showsVerticalScrollIndicator | Boolean |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
autocapitalizationType | Boolean |
autocorrectionType | Enum |
no, default, yes | |
backgroundImage | UIImage |
UIControlState , UIBarMetrics , UIBarPosition
barStyle | Enum |
default, blackTranslucent, black, blackOpaque | |
barTintColor | UIColor |
imageForSearchBarIcon | UIImage |
UISearchBar , UIControlState
keyboardType | Enum |
numbersAndPunctuation, emailAddress, default, numberPad, twitter, webSearch, phonePad, alphabet, decimalPad, namePhonePad, URL, asciiCapable | |
placeholder | NSString |
positionAdjustmentForSearchBarIcon | UIOffset |
UISearchBar |
prompt | NSString |
scopeBarBackgroundImage | UIImage |
scopeBarButtonBackgroundImage | UIImage |
UIControlState |
scopeBarButtonDividerImage | UIImage |
UIControlState |
scopeBarButtonTitleFont | UIFont |
UIControlState |
scopeBarButtonTitleShadowColor | UIColor |
UIControlState |
scopeBarButtonTitleShadowOffset | UIOffset |
UIControlState |
scopeBarButtonTitleTextColor | UIColor |
UIControlState |
searchBarStyle | Enum |
prominent, default, minimal | |
searchFieldBackgroundImage | UIImage |
UIControlState |
searchFieldBackgroundPositionAdjustment | UIOffset |
searchResultsButtonSelected | Boolean |
searchTextPositionAdjustment | UIOffset |
showsBookmarkButton | Boolean |
showsCancelButton | Boolean |
showsScopeBar | Boolean |
showsSearchResultsButton | Boolean |
spellCheckingType | Enum |
no, default, yes | |
text | NSString |
translucent | Boolean |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
apportionsSegmentWidthsByContent | Boolean |
backgroundImage | UIImage |
UIControlState , UIBarMetrics , UIBarPosition
contentPositionAdjustment | UIOffset |
UISegmentedControl , UIBarMetrics
dividerImage | UIImage |
UIControlState , UIControlState , UIBarMetrics
font | UIFont |
UIControlState |
shadowColor | UIColor |
UIControlState |
shadowOffset | UIOffset |
UIControlState |
textColor | UIColor |
UIControlState |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
maximumTrackImage | UIImage |
UIControlState |
maximumTrackTintColor | UIColor |
maximumValueImage | UIImage |
minimumTrackImage | UIImage |
UIControlState |
minimumTrackTintColor | UIColor |
minimumValueImage | UIImage |
thumbImage | UIImage |
UIControlState |
thumbTintColor | UIColor |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
autorepeat | Boolean |
backgroundImage | UIImage |
UIControlState , UIBarMetrics , UIBarPosition
continuous | Boolean |
decrementImage | UIImage |
UIControlState |
dividerImage | UIImage |
UIControlState |
incrementImage | UIImage |
UIControlState |
maximumValue | Number |
minimumValue | Number |
stepValue | Number |
wraps | Boolean |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
offImage | UIImage |
onImage | UIImage |
onTintColor | UIColor |
thumbTintColor | UIColor |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
backgroundImage | UIImage |
UIControlState , UIBarMetrics , UIBarPosition
barStyle | Enum |
default, blackTranslucent, black, blackOpaque | |
barTintColor | UIColor |
itemPositioning | Enum |
fill, centered, automatic | |
itemSpacing | Number |
itemWidth | Number |
selectedImageTintColor | UIColor |
selectionIndicatorImage | UIImage |
shadowImage | UIImage |
UIBarMetrics |
translucent | Boolean |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
selectedImage | UIImage |
titlePositionAdjustment | UIOffset |
UIBarMetrics , UIBarPosition
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
allowsMultipleSelection | Boolean |
allowsMultipleSelectionDuringEditing | Boolean |
allowsSelection | Boolean |
allowsSelectionDuringEditing | Boolean |
estimatedRowHeight | Number |
estimatedSectionFooterHeight | Number |
estimatedSectionHeaderHeight | Number |
rowHeight | Number |
sectionFooterHeight | Number |
sectionHeaderHeight | Number |
sectionIndexBackgroundColor | UIColor |
sectionIndexColor | UIColor |
sectionIndexMinimumDisplayRowCount | Number |
sectionIndexTrackingBackgroundColor | UIColor |
separatorColor | UIColor |
separatorInset | UIEdgeInsets |
separatorStyle | Enum |
none, singleLine, singleLineEtched | |
tableHeaderView * | UIView |
tableFooterView * | UIView |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
accessoryType | Enum |
none, detailButton, disclosureIndicator, disclosureButton, checkmark | |
editing | Boolean |
editingAccessoryType | Enum |
none, detailButton, disclosureIndicator, disclosureButton, checkmark | |
highlighted | Boolean |
indentationLevel | Number |
indentationWidth | Number |
selected | Boolean |
selectionStyle | Enum |
gray, none, default, blue | |
separatorInset | UIEdgeInsets |
shouldIndentWhileEditing | Boolean |
showsReorderControl | Boolean |
backgroundView * | UIView |
contentView * | UIView |
detailTextLabel * | UILabel |
imageView * | UIImageView |
multipleSelectionBackgroundView * | UIView |
selectedBackgroundView * | UIView |
textLabel * | UILabel |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth | Boolean |
autocapitalizationType | Boolean |
autocorrectionType | Enum |
no, default, yes | |
attributedText | NSAttributedString |
background | UIImage |
borderStyle | Enum |
roundedRect, none, bezel, line | |
clearsOnBeginEditing | Boolean |
clearsOnInsertion | Boolean |
disabledBackground | UIImage |
enablesReturnKeyAutomatically | Boolean |
font | UIFont |
UIControlState |
keyboardAppearance | Enum |
alert, dark, default, light | |
keyboardType | Enum |
numbersAndPunctuation, emailAddress, default, numberPad, twitter, webSearch, phonePad, alpabet, decimalPad, namePhonePad, URL, asciiCapable | |
minimumFontSize | Number |
minimumScaleFactor | Number |
placeholder | NSString |
returnKeyType | Enum |
default, next, route, search, yahoo, done, emergencyCall, send, go, google, join | |
secureTextEntry | Boolean |
spellCheckingType | Enum |
no, default, yes | |
text | NSString |
textAlignment | Enum |
left, right, center | |
textColor | UIColor |
UIControlState |
inputAccessoryView * | UIView |
inputView * | UIView |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
allowsEditingTextAttributes | Boolean |
autocapitalizationType | Boolean |
autocorrectionType | Enum |
no, default, yes | |
attributedText | NSAttributedString |
clearsOnInsertion | Boolean |
dataDetectorTypes | Enum |
all, none, calendarEvent, link, address, phoneNumber | |
editable | Boolean |
enablesReturnKeyAutomatically | Boolean |
font | UIFont |
UIControlState |
keyboardAppearance | Enum |
alert, dark, default, light | |
keyboardType | Enum |
numbersAndPunctuation, emailAddress, default, numberPad, twitter, webSearch, phonePad, alpabet, decimalPad, namePhonePad, URL, asciiCapable | |
placeholder | NSString |
returnKeyType | Enum |
default, next, route, search, yahoo, done, emergencyCall, send, go, google, join | |
secureTextEntry | Boolean |
selectable | Boolean |
spellCheckingType | Enum |
no, default, yes | |
text | NSString |
textAlignment | Enum |
left, right, center | |
textColor | UIColor |
UIControlState |
textContainerInset | UIEdgeInsets |
inputAccessoryView * | UIView |
inputView * | UIView |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
backgroundImage | UIImage |
UIControlState , UIBarMetrics , UIBarPosition
barStyle | Enum |
default, blackTranslucent, black, blackOpaque | |
barTintColor | UIColor |
shadowImage | UIImage |
UIBarPosition |
translucent | Boolean |
Class | Type | Enum values | Parameter values |
allowsInlineMediaPlayback | Boolean |
dataDetectorTypes | Enum |
all, none, calendarEvent, link, address, phoneNumber | |
gapBetweenPages | Number |
keyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction | Boolean |
mediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay | Boolean |
mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction | Boolean |
pageLength | Number |
paginationBreakingMode | Enum |
page, column | |
paginationMode | Enum |
bottomtotop, righttoleft, toptobottom, lefttoright, unpaginated | |
scalesPageToFit | Boolean |
suppressesIncrementalRendering | Boolean |