This app is a real time chat api where people can chat with their friends.
First you might need to set PYTHONPATH to src
$ uvicorn main:app --reload --host localhost --port 8000
Create migration
$ alembic revision --autogenerate -n init
Apply migrations
$ alembic upgrade head
Downgrade by 1 migration
$ alembic downgrade -1
- Friendship system, people can befriend with each other.
- Chatting, friends can chat with each other.
- Groups, people can participate in groups.
- Sending media files, people can send media files to each other which are not exceeding 10Mb.
- User
[POST], get auth token/api/users
[GET, POST], list, search and register a user/api/refresh
[POST], get refresh token/api/users/me
[GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE] get, edit and delete authenticated user/api/users/me/image
[POST, DELETE] upload and remove profile image of authenticated user/api/users/{id}
[GET] get users info based on their id/api/user/{username}
[GET] get users info based on their username
- Friends
[GET] get pending friendship requests/api/friendship/requests/users/{target_id}
[GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE] get, send, accept and delete friendship requests./api/friendship/friends
[GET] get list of friends