github-calendar wrapper component for react + typescript
You can use this component with Next.js too.
You can install it like every other library with yarn
yarn add -D react-ts-github-calendar
or with npm
npm install --save react-ts-github-calendar
The component work without any additional setup.
// App.tsx
import React from 'react';
import ReactGitHubCalendar from 'react-ts-github-calendar';
// your own component name
export const App: React.FC = () => {
return <ReactGitHubCalendar userName="YOUR ACCOUNT NAME" />;
・ You have to pass userName to component.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
userName | String | The GitHub username | '' |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
responsive | Boolean | If true , the graph is changed to scale with the container. Custom CSS should be applied to the element to scale it appropriately. |
false |
tooltips | Boolean | If true , tooltips will be shown when hovered over calendar days. |
false |
global_stats | Boolean | If false , the global stats (total, longest and current streaks) will not be calculated and displayed. |
true |
summary_text | String | The text that appears under the calendar | "Summary of pull requests, issues opened, and commits made by USERNAME" |
cache | Number | The cache time in seconds. | (24 * 60 * 60) *1000 |
proxy | Function | A function that receives as argument the userName and should return a promise resolving the HTML content of the contributions page. We need proxy for CORS. | The default is using @Bloggify's APIs. |
<ReactGitHubCalendar tooltips responsive/>
// tooltips = true, responsive = true
<ReactGitHubCalendar global_stats={false} cache={(12 * 60 * 60)*1000}/>
If you want to use this component with Next.js, you have to use dynamic import to avoid SSR.
const ReactGitHubCalendar = dynamic(() => import('react-ts-github-calendar'), {
ssr: false,
Otherwise, you'll see the error
window is not defined
document is not defined
Sometimes, Streak & Contribution do not working well. (display 0)
It may be fixed if you leave it for a few days (because sometimes the changes take a long time to be reflected) or if you delete the cache and reload it.