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github-calendar wrapper component for react + typescript
You can use this component with Next.js too.



You can install it like every other library with yarn

yarn add -D react-ts-github-calendar

or with npm

npm install --save react-ts-github-calendar


Basic Example

The component work without any additional setup.

// App.tsx
import React from 'react';
import ReactGitHubCalendar from 'react-ts-github-calendar';

// your own component name
export const App: React.FC = () => {
  return <ReactGitHubCalendar userName="YOUR ACCOUNT NAME" />;

・ You have to pass userName to component.


Name Type Description Default
userName String The GitHub username       ''


Name Type Description Default
responsive Boolean If true, the graph is changed to scale with the container. Custom CSS should be applied to the element to scale it appropriately. false
tooltips Boolean If true, tooltips will be shown when hovered over calendar days. false
global_stats Boolean If false, the global stats (total, longest and current streaks) will not be calculated and displayed. true
summary_text String The text that appears under the calendar "Summary of pull requests, issues opened, and commits made by USERNAME"
cache Number The cache time in seconds. (24 * 60 * 60) *1000
proxy Function A function that receives as argument the userName and should return a promise resolving the HTML content of the contributions page. We need proxy for CORS. The default is using @Bloggify's APIs.


<ReactGitHubCalendar tooltips responsive/>
// tooltips = true, responsive = true

<ReactGitHubCalendar global_stats={false} cache={(12 * 60 * 60)*1000}/>

With Next.js

If you want to use this component with Next.js, you have to use dynamic import to avoid SSR.

const ReactGitHubCalendar = dynamic(() => import('react-ts-github-calendar'), {
  ssr: false,

Otherwise, you'll see the error

window is not defined


document is not defined


Sometimes, Streak & Contribution do not working well. (display 0)
It may be fixed if you leave it for a few days (because sometimes the changes take a long time to be reflected) or if you delete the cache and reload it.


github-calendar wrapper component for react + typescript







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