Bastion is a simple webserver for serving articles written in markdown. These markdown articles are converted to html automatically as they are updated, and have a special header section to specify useful metadata about the article to Bastion.
To host an article but not list it in the main index, the Unlisted property can be set in the article header.
For example:
Title: My unlisted article
Unlisted: true
=== markdown ===
Even though I don't mind this content being unprotected, I just want it unlisted. It doesn't contain anything sensitive, but I just don't want it on the main index.
Individual articles can require HTTP basic authentication if the article's source document includes values for the Username and Password in the article header.
For example:
Title: My protected article
Username: monkey
Password: bananas
=== markdown ===
I want to protect the content of this article with HTTP basic auth so no one
can steal my secrets!
First, make sure the following programs are installed:
- go
- pigz
- pv
- realpath
- tar
Then run the following commands:
./ build
For commandline options and usage information run bastion -h
Since bastion is mostly used for my own personal website, it isn't going to be very stable. I plan on changing things around on a whim. With this said, as long as bastion has a major version of 0 (e.g. 0.1.12), minor versions will be treated as breaking changes, and patch versions will be treated as backward-compatible changes. Expect more for the former than the latter. If I one day decide to release bastion, then I will start using semver properly.