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Thomas Ochman edited this page Oct 28, 2013 · 6 revisions

Installing OxwallMessenger

In order to get your site to work with OxwallMessenger you need to follow these steps:

  1. Copy the entire folder named webservice to the root of the folder where you installed Oxwall
  2. Open the file named and make sure that all relevant information is properly filled in. You find all the settings you need in your main configuration (config.php) file that is located in ow_includes-folder. Note! OxwallMessenger will only work if you have not altred the db-prefix during the original installation of Oxwall. Your ow_includes/config.php MUST include the following code: ```define('OW_DB_PREFIX', 'ow_');````
  3. Open the Xcode project and edit the Constants.m file. Look for the line where BASE_URL is defined: static NSString *BASE_URL = @""; and change the URL to your domain but make sure that the /webservice part remains intact.
  4. Modify om_sites.php with your sitename and URL. Remove information about the sites you do not want your users to be able to connect to. Make sure that the array $sites contains all the information it needs ($site1, $site2, ... etc).
  5. Compile the project and log in using your credentials. You should be ready to go!
  6. Make sure that you edit all the files you need in order for the app to reflect your brand.
  7. Make a build and submit to Apple AppStore using your developer account.


Folder permissions Make sure that webserviceis accessible. Add this line to your .htaccess file: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/webservice/. Also, make sure that the permissions are set to 755 on the folder and to 644 on all the containing files. ###Changes Remember that we make continuous changes to the app code and the web service code. Make sure to check for new releases and update your codebase.

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