Update with sh update.sh
Make sure your user is named "tobbe"
- homebrew
- git
- tmux
- jq
- z
- bat
- tmuxinator
- ripgrep
- fzf
- pnpm
- bat
- fastlane
- gh
- httpie
- volta (node)
- install node with volta https://volta.sh
- install global npm packages with
volta install <package>
- list global packages with
volta list
- packages to install:
- @antfu/ni
- vercel
- firefox
- see settings below
- notion
- dotfiles
- alfred
- alfred-settings
- sf mono
- iterm2
- https://shottr.cc/
- Create two ssh keys: work and personal (see github docs)
- Create ~/.gitconfig-personal with:
email = [email protected]
sshCommand = "ssh -i ~/.ssh/personal"
and ~/.gitconfig-work with:
email = [email protected]
sshCommand = "ssh -i ~/.ssh/work"
- upload ssh .pub files to github etc
- update .gitconfig with folders to use with each ssh-key/account
- Require password after screen saver begins or display turned off (includes afk=lock screen) to immediatly
- keyboard > keyboard shortcuts > "Move focus to next window" set to
- keyboard > Delay until repeat = short(est)
- Typescript Tsdk:
- Eslint https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
- Prettier is NOT needed if Eslint and settings in vscode is setup correctly
- Github Copilot
- Tailwind CSS IntelliSence
- Quick and Simple Text Selection
- disable prettier plugin
- Default formatter:
- Search settings for “format:enable”. Disable ALL except ESLint. ESLint should handle it.
- requires:
- npm pack: eslint-plugin-prettier
- npm pack: prettier
- eslintConfig extend: plugin:prettier/recommended
- enable prettier plugin
- Default formatter:
- setting: prettier require config
- Search settings for “format:enable”. Disable ALL. Prettier plugin will handle it.
- DOES NOT require:
- npm pack: eslint-plugin-prettier
- npm pack: prettier
- eslintConfig extend: plugin:prettier/recommended => REPLACE with 'prettier' from eslint-config-prettier
- Strict privacy
- Delete cookies and data when firefox is closed
- exceptions: excalidraw.com, stackoverflow.com, github.com
- in about:config
- closeWindowWithLastTab false
- browser.urlbar.filter.javascript false (to be able to search booklets, "form fill" for example. Then use "ff" in address bar (configured shortcut on the bookmark))
- cookiebanners.service.mode (and for private browsing) = 1 (reject all)
- cookiebanners.bannerClicking.enabled TRUE
- ändra chars used for hints
- lägg till tema-css: https://github.com/philc/vimium/wiki/Theme
- exclude urls:
- https?://photopea.com/*
- https?://excalidraw.com/*
# Insert your preferred key mappings here. unmap <m-A> map <m-A> Vomnibar.activateTabSelection map <m-p> Vomnibar.activate unmap h map h goBack unmap l map l goForward unmap / unmap p unmap t
Firefox Multi-Account Containers
ublock origin
- Remove google consent: https://daniel-lange.com/archives/164-Getting-rid-of-the-Google-cookie-consent-popup.html
- trusted sites: localhost
- Backup iterm Settings to com.googlecode.iterm2.plist (in dotfiles dir). Setup in General-tab => Preferences.
- Backup iterm Profile to iterm-default-profile.json (in dotfiles dir). Must save manually after changes.
Set Presets.. to "Natural text editing" under Profile=>Keys
AND set these of these in pref=>keys (selection ex):
⇧+⌥+← | move start of sel back by word | select to the left by word
`⇧+⌥+→ | move end of sel forward by word | select to the right by word``
- scheduled tasks. Ex: move todo to repo and auto-push https://bitbucket.org/tobbbbe/todo/src
NOPE, use if you update node with nvm, migrate global packages: https://github.com/creationix/nvm#migrating-global-packages-while-installing
zsh (default on mac): chsh -s $(which zsh)
or if thats not working: chsh -s /bin/zsh
fish: chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish
in terminal, type:
https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles https://evanhahn.com/a-decade-of-dotfiles/
open -a 'Firefox.app' 'https://tobb.be/dashboard' && osascript -e 'delay 0.08' -e 'tell application \"System Events\"' -e 'keystroke \"l\" using {command down}' -e 'end tell'
"description": "show terminal",
"manipulators": [
"from": {
"key_code": "non_us_backslash",
"modifiers": {
"mandatory": ["left_command"]
"to": [
"halt": true,
"key_code": "t",
"modifiers": [
"type": "basic"