This project aims to provider a complete server provisioning and configuration management application.
The first version is a unified front-end to public and private clouds, custom server providers and dedicated hardware.
- EC2 and Rackspace server provisioning. All clouds supported by libcloud will be supported given enough testing
- Provider Plugins: Any provider can be integrated by writing either a libcloud driver or an Overmind provisioning plugin
- Import any server into Overmind witht the "Dedicated Hardware" plugin
- Complete REST API for provider and nodes
- Authentication with three user roles
See the wiki for architectural info.
- Python 2.6+
- Django 1.3
- apache-libcloud
- django-celery
- RabbitMQ (or alternative message queue supported by Celery)
All python dependencies can be installed using the requirements file:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the last stable release from and unpack it
Create the DB by changing to the
directory and running:python syncdb
For testing purposes start the celery server on a console
python celeryd -l info
and the django development server
python runserver
Now you can visit the Overmind overview page on localhost:8000/overview