The package redcapAPI
is an R interface to REDCap (, and is an actively developed fork of redcap, originally created by Jeffrey Horner.
Please read the documentation on your institutions REDCap installation.
Issues may be reported at
Please consider contributing tips and clarifications to the package wiki at
This package was developed under REDCap Version 5.8.2. My institution is usually a little behind on updating REDCap and so some features of the API may not always be available.
The redcapDbConnection methods are underdeveloped as I don't personally have access to the REDCap database (and so am unable to test features). If you have that kind of access, feel free to develop the redcapDbConnection methods.
- Generate a Report of Fields with Missing Values in a REDCap Database Using the redcapAPI package (includes a version for "offline" use).