Terraform based one-shot deployment of Coder OSS on a Hetzner Cloud instance.
- Copy
- Adjust
terraform init && terraform apply
- Create DNS records
- Open Coder, login with the initial admin user
- (Install Templates from coder-templates)
Variable | Default | Description |
hcloud_apikey | A R/W API-Key for the Hetzner Cloud project Coder shall be deployed in | |
instance_type | cx11 | Instance type (https://www.hetzner.com/de/cloud) for the Coder node |
location | ngb1 | Location for the Coder node (nbg1, fsn1, hel1, ash) |
coder_domain | Desired Domain for Coder (Used for CODER_ACCESS_URL, CODER_WILDCARD_ACCESS_URL and Caddy/Let's Encrypt) | |
acme_email | Administrative Email address used for Let's Encrypt and for the initial Coder user |
Terraform creates keys for the client and the host. The host key is installed later using Cloud-init. The client key is registered in the Hetzner Cloud project and can be used later for regular maintenance tasks. You may use the preconfigured wrapper script ./bin/ssh
for easy access.
A Hetzner Cloud Firewall is applied. Outbound traffic is allowed generally. Inbound traffic is restricted to ICMP and HTTP 80, 443.
Coder installation (Cloud-init)
Coder is managed via Docker Compose (Adapted from https://github.com/coder/coder/blob/main/docker-compose.yaml).
- First, only Coder and Postgres is started...
- When Coder is ready, the initial admin account is created...
- After that, the Proxy (Caddy) is started as well
While the Debian updates are mostly managed via unattended-upgrades
, you have to take care of the updates for the Docker Compose stack (/root/coder/docker-compose.yaml
) manually!