Releases: tmergulhao/Ambience
Updated Swift version
0.1.2 Version update
Nullifying constraint value nullifies state
0.1.1 String describing something obvious.
Automatic persistence of forced state and support for iPad
Ambience persists over app sessions using UserDefaults
and also anchors its Ambience Object
popover to the sender being it either a UIView
or a Bar Button Item
Ambience persistence and UITextField support
Ambience persists using User Defaults and Text Field Placeholder is set to 50% alpha off current Ambience State text color.
Text View now works inside a Collection
Known issues
Text View inside Collection
If you are using a Text View inside a Table View Cell or a Collection View Cell and, in the process of dequeuing it you set its attributed text, beware. Right after assigning the new Attributed Text will need to write a mandatory single line of code to have Ambience work in the Text View properly.
Follow the example:
// Inside the respective Table View Controller
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell : TextTableCell! = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "Cell with text") as! TextTableCell
return cell
Open Ambience to extensions
0.0.4 Open implementations of Ambience
CocoaPods ready
0.0.3 Tag version
Forced states and user control
This release adds support for user control using forced states.
This is procured using a UI Alert View Controller associated to a Storyboard Scene or by simply instantiating a Ambience Object, setting it's view controller and asking it to present the Alert View Controller.
Bare minimal
0.0.1 Bare minimal
Ambience has built-in support for the background color for the following Interface Builder objects:
- View and all its children;
- Search, Navigation and Tab bars and all of its children;
- Text View, Button, and Label and all of its children.
There is also support for the text color for:
- Text View, Button, and Label and all of its children.
Custom Behaviors
It's also possible to define custom Ambience behavior on any Object that inherits from NSObject
. Follow the instructions.
Define an Override of the Ambience Method
In this example, we are implementing the current behavior for Search, Navigation and Tab bars. It guards the notification data for the current state as an Ambience State
and sets the bar style accordingly.
public override func ambience(_ notification : Notification) {
guard let currentState = notification.userInfo?["currentState"] as? AmbienceState else { return }
barStyle = currentState == .invert ? .black : .default
The notification user info dictionary also comes with the previous state so that more complex stateful behaviors can be implemented. It may also come with an animated
boolean attribute the is usually set to true and, at the first run, set to false so as not to have animation upon view appearance.
Turning Ambience On
If your object is set on Interface Builder, use the Attributes Inspector and set to On the Ambience value.
In case you are setting this object programmatically, just set its ambience
boolean value to true
before placing it.