A simple zsh theme that just does what I want
- Iconography using nerd fonts
- Show status code of previous command if non-zero
- Show duration of last command, if > 1 second
- Show current time
- Show current directory
- Show current git branch
I used powerlevel10k for a while, and I think that it is a great project. However, I came to the conclusion that it was too complicated for what I needed, and making my own theme would work better for me personally.
The specific issues I had with powerlevel10k are as follows:
- It includes a ton of features that I don't use
- Because it does so much, the code is difficult to understand without spending a lot of time studying it
- Editing the configuration file is pretty difficult. The configuration generated by the interactive wizard is huge, and while it is possible to trim it down, getting what I wanted was still a considerable amount of code.
- Although there is a lot of configurability, it isn't well documented. You have to rely on documentation for powerlevel9k, and the limited comments in the generated configuration file.
- It requires compiling a c program for git status, which itself links to a patched version of libgit2 that needs to be compiled
- It uses an unusual directory structure, which makes it difficult to install as a system package
So, much as I appreciate the work done by romkatv, I realized that I could create my own prompt that did everything I needed without having to depend on a massive project like powerlevel10k.
Some things I'd like that this doesn't do yet:
- Some kind of directory shortening if the currend directory is long
- Show if the current git repo is "dirty"
- Something like powelevel10k's transient prompt, but keep the time, duration, and status code.