A collection of PowerShell modules for extracting data from various sources.
- Must be running PowerShell 7
- 3rd Party Modules are required for most of the functions. They must be installed before attempting to load other modules. (See 3rdPartyModules.ps1)
- Dll's and executables are required for a few functions:
- CheckMK Module: ncat.exe for pulling data out of Check_MK (need to install nmap)
- SharedFunctions Module: Microsoft.Identity.Client for using "Delegated Auth" to authenticate as an actual user (useful for MS Planner - link)
- Switches Module: SharpSnmpLib for SNMP communication (download from here and use SharpSnmpLib.dll from the folder "lib\netstandard2.0")
- Secret Store
- Comment the "Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore" module out of "RequiredModules" to make it easier to run manually and troubleshoot.
- Read the notes under the "Get-SecretFromVault" function.
- Consider replacing this with Azure Key Vault, it's much easier to use and more portable.
- Create 3 scheduled tasks set to run as the user with granted permissions, run whether or not the user is logged on or not, with the highest privileges.
- Scheduler.ps1 -Schedule '15Minute'
- Scheduler.ps1 -Schedule 'Hourly'
- Scheduler.ps1 -Schedule 'Daily'
- DataCollector
- This module runs all the PS Thread Jobs for the modules. Uncomment each "Start-ThreadJob" to start using them.
- Variables
- Configure the variables at the end of "SharedFunctions.TM.psm1"
- Postgresql
- Tested with version 15 of postgres (should work with 16).
- Optionally (but highly recommended) install TimescaleDB extension
- Configure pg_hba.conf to allow the PowerShell script to connect.
- ActiveDirectory
- Azure
- CheckMK
- CheckPoint
- Commvault
- Compliance (very custom, but useful)
- DataCollector (main module that invokes all other modules)
- DefenderForEndpoint
- Grafana
- Metrics (should be moved to an Intune module...)
- MSGraph
- MSGraphReports (various M365 reports from https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/reports)
- Network (collect info from Cisco routers via Ansible)
- Office365
- OME (Dell OpenManage Enterprise)
- Planner (Microsoft Planner)
- Postgresql (required by all modules)
- PowerAutomate
- Qualys
- Sentinel
- SharedFunctions (required by all modules)
- Sharepoint
- Switches