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Go back to the README for the LaravelAds SDK

GoogleAds - Documentation

This uses the googleads-php-lib SDK for the Google Ads API.

Getting Started

First, you need to use the service access for Google Ads and add the Client Customer Id

$googleAds = LaravelAds::googleAds()->with('CLIENT_ID');




If you don't want to learn how to handle the Google Ads API request, here are pre-built methods to quickly get you going.

Fetch All Campaigns

Fetching all campaigns within the account.

$campaigns = $googleAds->fetch()->getCampaigns();

Results: getCampaigns() (returns a Laravel Collection object, use all() for array)

[0] => Array
    [id] => 000000000
    [name] => Campaign Name
    [status] => PAUSED
    [channel] => SEARCH
    [budget] => 5
    [bid_strategy] => CPA

Fetch All Ad Groups

Fetching all ad groups within the account.

$adgroups  = $googleAds->fetch()->getAdGroups();

Results: getAdGroups() (returns a Laravel Collection object, use all() for array)

[0] => Array
    [id] => 0000000
    [name] => Ad Group Name
    [status] => ENABLED
    [campaign_id] => 1672496372
    [type] => SEARCH_STANDARD
    [bid_strategy] => CPC
    [bid] => 0.65


Here are the pre-built methods for retrieving reports.

Account Reports

Pull account-level reports. This report uses Account Performance.

$accountReport  = $googleAds->reports($dateFrom, $dateTo)

Results: getAccountReport() (returns a Laravel Collection object, use all() for array)

[0] => Array
    [date] => 2018-12-16
    [impressions] => 3286
    [clicks] => 294
    [cost] => 724
    [conversions] => 9.00
    [conversion_value] => 15.75

Campaign Reports

Pull campaign-level reports. This report uses Campaign Performance.

$campaignReport  = $googleAds->reports($dateFrom, $dateTo)

Results: getCampaignReport() (returns a Laravel Collection object, use all() for array)

[0] => Array
    [date] => 2018-12-15
    [channel] => Search
    [campaign_status] => paused
    [campaign_name] => Campaign Name
    [campaign_id] => 000000
    [impressions] => 2
    [clicks] => 0
    [cost] => 0
    [conversions] => 0.00
    [conversion_value] => 0.00

Ad Group Reports

Pull adgroup-level reports. This report uses AdGroup Performance.

$adgroupReport  = $googleAds->reports($dateFrom, $dateTo)

Results: getAdGroupReport() (returns a Laravel Collection object, use all() for array)

[0] => Array
    [date] => 2018-12-18
    [ad_group_id] => 000000
    [ad_group_name] => Ad Group Name
    [campaign_id] => 0000000
    [campaign_name] => Campaign Name
    [impressions] => 2
    [clicks] => 0
    [cost] => 0
    [conversions] => 0.00
    [conversion_value] => 0.00

Final URL Performance Report

This report is campaign-level and uses Final URL Performance.

$report  = $googleAds->reports($dateFrom, $dateTo)

Results: getFinalUrlReport() (returns a Laravel Collection object, use all() for array)

[0] => Array
    [date] => 2019-01-23
    [campaign_id] => 00000000
    [campaign_name] => Campaign Name
    [impressions] => 3
    [clicks] => 0
    [cost] => 0
    [conversions] => 0.00
    [conversion_value] => 0.00
    [final_url] =>

Placement Domain Performance Report

This report is aggregated to account-level and uses Placement Performance.

$report  = $googleAds->reports($dateFrom, $dateTo)

Results: getPlacementReport() (returns a Laravel Collection object, use all() for array)

// the key of the array is also the placement domain
// this ensures a unique placement aggregation

[] => Array
    [placement] =>
    [impressions] => 9
    [clicks] => 0
    [cost] => 0
    [conversions] => 0.00
    [conversion_value] => 0.00

Placement URL Performance Report

This report is aggregated to account-level and uses URL Performance.

$report  = $googleAds->reports($dateFrom, $dateTo)

Results: getPlacementUrlReport() (returns a Laravel Collection object, use all() for array)

// the key of the array is also the placement URL
// this ensures a unique placement URL aggregation

[] => Array
    [placement] =>
    [impressions] => 9
    [clicks] => 0
    [cost] => 0
    [conversions] => 0.00
    [conversion_value] => 0.00

Search Term Performance Report

This report is aggregated to account-level and uses Search Query Performance.

$report  = $googleAds->reports($dateFrom, $dateTo)

Results: getSearchTermReport() (returns a Laravel Collection object, use all() for array)

// the key of the array is also the search term
// this ensures a unique search term for aggregation

[food in boston ma] => Array
    [search_term] => food in boston ma
    [impressions] => 1
    [clicks] => 1
    [cost] => 0.47
    [conversions] => 0.00
    [conversion_value] => 0.00

Age Range Performance Report

This report is aggregated to account-level and uses Age Range Performance.

$report  = $googleAds->reports($dateFrom, $dateTo)

Results: getGenderReport() (returns a Laravel Collection object, use all() for array)

// the key of the array is also the age range
// this ensures a unique age range for aggregation
// Age (Valid age ranges are 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65 or more, and Unknown.)

[18-24] => Array
   [age_range] => 18-24
   [impressions] => 12517
   [clicks] => 203
   [cost] => 58.65
   [conversions] => 11
   [conversion_value] => 51.25

Gender Performance Report

This report is aggregated to account-level and uses Gender Performance.

$report  = $googleAds->reports($dateFrom, $dateTo)

Results: getGenderReport() (returns a Laravel Collection object, use all() for array)

// the key of the array is also the gender
// this ensures a unique gender for aggregation
// Genders (Male, Female)

[Female] => Array
    [gender] => Female
    [impressions] => 16045
    [clicks] => 411
    [cost] => 162.28
    [conversions] => 18
    [conversion_value] => 88


You can easily manage/view campaign settings by loading up the campaign service.

$campaign = $googleAds->campaign('CAMPAIGN_ID');

Available methods from the Campaign object. (the SET methods are chainable, see example)

Method Description
getId() GET the Campaign id
getName() GET the Campaign name
getStatus() GET the Campaign Status (ENABLED,PAUSED,DELETED)
getBudget() GET the Campaign budget
getBudgetDelivery() GET the Campaign budget delivery (ACCELERATED,STANDARD)
getBidStrategy() GET the Campaign bid strategy (CPA,CPC,ECPC)
getTargetCpa() GET the Campaign Target CPA (if one exists)
setId() SET the Campaign id
setName() SET the Campaign name
setStatus($status) SET Campaign status (ENABLED,PAUSED)
setBudget($amount) SET Campaign Budget (FLOAT $amount)
setTargetCpa($amount) SET Campaign Target CPA (FLOAT $amount)
save() Post your changes to the server

Example Usage

// Rename the campaign, enable it, and then set the budget to $300
          ->setName('My New Campaign Name')

// if you only want to grab the campaign name...
$campaignName = $googleAds->campaign('CAMPAIGN_ID')->getName();

// Get only the campaign status
$campaignStatus = $googleAds->campaign('CAMPAIGN_ID')->getStatus();

Ad Groups

You can easily manage/view Ad Group settings by loading up the AdGroup service.

$adGroup = $googleAds->adGroup('ADGROUP_ID');

Available methods from the AdGroup object. (the SET methods are chainable, see example)

Method Description
getId() GET the AdGroup id
getName() GET the AdGroup name
getCampaignId() GET the AdGroup Campaign Id
getStatus() GET the AdGroup Status (ENABLED,PAUSED,DELETED)
getBidStrategy() GET the AdGroup bid strategy (CPA,CPC,ECPC)
getBid() GET the AdGroup Bid Amount
getType() GET the AdGroup Type
setId() SET the AdGroup id
setName() SET the AdGroup name
setStatus($status) SET AdGroup status (ENABLED,PAUSED)
setBid($amount) SET AdGroup Bid (FLOAT $amount) currently only the CPC/ECPC bid
save() Post your changes to the server

Example Usage

// Rename the Ad Group, enable it, and then set the CPC bid to 0.22
          ->setName('My New Ad Group Name')

// if you only want to grab the ad group name...
$adgroupName = $googleAds->adGroup('ADGROUP_ID')->getName();

// Get only the ad group status
$adgroupStatus = $googleAds->adGroup('ADGROUP_ID')->getStatus();

// Get only the ad group bid
$adGroupBid = $googleAds->adGroup('ADGROUP_ID')->getBid();

Offline Conversion Import

You can import offline conversions using this simple method. Uses OfflineConversionFeedService

// Can chain and add() as many as you wish
$conversionImport = $googleAds->offlineConversionImport()
        'click_id' => 'CjwKCAjwzJjrBRBvEiwA867byorDPQ2K0zO_8bXuJ7SeEs',
        'value' => 0,
        'name' => 'CONVERSION NAME',
        'time' => 'DATETIME TIMEZONE'
        'click_id' => 'CjwKCAjwzJjrBRBvEiwA867',
        'value' => 0,
        'name' => 'CONVERSION NAME',
        'time' => 'DATETIME TIMEZONE'

// when read, begin the upload
// Response will return an array of [success] and [errors]
$response = $conversionImport->upload();

// passing true will return a more detail array of [success] and [errors] for each upload
$response = $conversionImport->upload(true);

Note: time must include the timezone. "20190828 200112 America/New_York" (format "Ymd His timezone")


Method Description
add( single array ) Adding a single conversion
addBulk( multi-array ) Adding an array of single conversions
upload() Imports the conversions to Google (pass true or false as arg to return more detail success array)


The array response is both success and errors, errors will include Google Error Codes

Note: Click Ids that are success will not appear in the errors array and vise-versa.

    [errors] => Array
        [0] => Array
            [click_id] => CjwKCAjwzJjrBRBvEiwA867
            [error] => TOO_RECENT_CLICK
    [success] => Array
        [1] => CjwKCAjwzJjrBRBvEiwA867byorDPQ2K0zO_8bXuJ7SeEs

Manual Configuration

By default, the configuration will always look at the /config/google-ads.php, however, you can override that by injecting your own config into the google ads service object.

You only need to use this if you WANT to override the config, otherwise the config file will work in most cases.

$googleAds = LaravelAds::googleAds();
    'ADWORDS' => [
        'developerToken' => ''

    'OAUTH2' => [
        'clientId' => '',
        'clientSecret' => '',
        'refreshToken' => '',
    'LOGGING' => [
        'soapLogLevel' => 'ERROR',
        'reportDownloaderLogLevel' => 'ERROR'

$googleAds = $googleAds->with('ACCOUNT_ID');

// after the config is set above, now you can use the SDK as you normally do...
// $report = $googleAds->reports('2020-01-01', '2020-01-05')->getAccountReport();

Need More? Advanced Options

If the pre-built methods don't have what you're looking for, you may need to write your own methods to communicate with the AdWords Services directly. You will need to understand how the Google Ads API and Google Ads SDK work.

// You'll need to include the correct namespaces included in the Google Ads SDK
use Google\AdsApi\AdWords\v201809\cm\CampaignService;

// Start the initial step authenticating to a service
$googleAds = LaravelAds::googleAds()->with('CLIENT_ID');

// this communicates with the GoogleAds PHP LIB (returns AdWordsServices)
// return the service class so that you can manage the next step
// replace the "CampaignService::class" with the API service you want to use
$campaignService = $googleAds->call(CampaignService::class);

// ... write your logic here to understand the API response

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