- docker desktop
- (optional) pgadmin
- That's it! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ノ⌐■-■
Run development mode with the command: docker-compose up
Some day in the far-future when this is production ready, run production mode with the command:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up
Once the docker-compose up command has been run for both the backend and frontend projects (frontend found here) the following features will be available:
<container name> | <url>
The super basic frontend of the application, use this for testing the login and authorization.
The identity server url, it provides login/logout and a simple diagnostics view of the logged-in user.
The account API, it will redirect to a Swagger UI where the various endpoints of this API can be called. Remember to login with the Authorize-button and check all scopes.
Same as above except it's the business management API.
The API gateway exposes an aggregated Swagger UI, unfortunately authentication hasn't been setup for it yet, meaning only anonymous endpoints can be called - of which there currently are none.
The following databases (postgres) will be available:
Identity Server persisted grants and device codes DB.
Business management API DB.
Account API DB.
Database names are for the three databases are identityservice
, businessservice
, accountservice
Either use the pgadmin management ui tool to inspect (user/pwd: postgres/example).
or use the console tool (psql) with the command:
docker exec -it <container name> psql -U postgres
Useful psql commands:
\l to list available databases
\c <database_name> to connect to a database (database names can be found in the docker compose files)
\d to list database tables
Otherwise basic syntax, e.g: select * from <table_name>;
The RabbitMQ instance can be found here:
Exposes a UI for managing and monitoring the RabbitMQ instance (user/pwd: guest/guest).
VS Code is recommend for developing. Instead of opening the src folder in VS Code directly, it is recommended to use the included .code-workspace-file as it sets up the workspace along with some useful tasks and recommended extensions. To see the available development tasks, have a look at the tasks section of the file ReshapeBackend.code-workspace