Run Perl code from Go
Actually, to be a bit more precise, this package extracts values from Perl into Go. This is a slightly uncommon appoach to language embedding driven by reflect. Here's a starter
// get a Perl interpreter
p := plgo.New()
p.Preamble = `use strict; use warnings;`
// load Perl's SHA package
p.Eval(`use Digest::SHA`)
after which we can get simple values like strings with:
// extract a SHA hash from Perl
var sum string
p.Eval(`Digest::SHA::sha1_hex("hello")`, &sum)
or since both languages have first class functions:
// extract the SHA hashing function from Perl
var sha1 func(string) string
p.Eval(`\&Digest::SHA::sha1_hex`, &sha1)
- This package requires Go 1.6+
- After downloading, you may need to run
go generate
to resolve libperl compile/link flags.