Smoothie Funds allows you to manage your money with ease.
Start PostgreSQL server (on Archlinux):
sudo systemctl start postgresql
Load fixture in dev environnement:
bin/rails db:drop ; bin/rails db:create ; bin/rails db:migrate ; bin/rails db:fixtures:load FIXTURES=users,accounts,categories,transactions,schedules,pending_users
Restore data from production to dev environnement:
dropdb smoothiefunds_development
bundle exec bin/rails db:create RAILS_ENV=development
bundle exec bin/rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
pg_restore --no-acl --no-owner --data-only --dbname=smoothiefunds_development db.dump
bundle exec annotate
http://localhost:3000/rails/info/routes or
bin/rails routes --expanded
TO_CHAR(users.created_at, 'DD/MM/YYYY') AS user_creation, AS account_name,
COUNT( AS nb_transactions,
TO_CHAR(MAX(transactions.updated_at), 'DD/MM/YYYY') AS last_transaction
FROM users
LEFT JOIN relations ON = relations.user_id
LEFT JOIN accounts ON relations.account_id =
LEFT JOIN transactions ON relations.account_id = transactions.account_id
transactions.schedule_id IS NULL
GROUP BY, users.created_at,, accounts.hidden
What to test:
Controllers Tests:
- was the web request successful?
- was the user redirected to the right page?
- was the user successfully authenticated?
- was the correct object stored in the response template?
- was the appropriate message displayed to the user in the view?
Integration Testing :
- test the interaction among any number of controllers
- test important work flows within your application
Convention d'indexation :
- les colonnes composant la clef
- les colonnes composant les clefs étrangères
- les colonnes composant les contraintes d'unicité
- les colonnes dotées de contraintes de validité
- les colonnes fréquemment mises en relation, indépendamment des jointures naturelles
- les colonnes les plus sollicitées par les recherches
Words of wisdom:
When you use product_url, you’ll get the full enchilada with protocol and domain name, like That’s the thing to use when you’re doing redirect_to because the HTTP spec requires a fully qualified URL when doing 302 Redirect and friends. You also need the full URL if you’re redirecting from one domain to another, like product_url(domain: "", product: product).
The rest of the time, you can happily use product_path. This will generate only the /products/1 part, and that’s all you need when doing links or pointing forms, like link_to "My lovely product", product_path(product).
Don’t aim for 100% coverage. Code-to-test ratios above 1:2 is a smell, above 1:3 is a stink.