Please note: this only RESTful part of AXON-TRADER
This project to integrated Spring-boot with Axon-trader. to run this project as following:
- Install Spring STS with Gradle
- Install MySQL or MongoDB
- Web-browser Chrome with Advanced Rest Client
- Setup MySQL port to 13099 and create new database bageaxe_db with user: root, pass: admin
Working with Spring STS
- Open Spring STS
- Select File > Import, and under General choose Existing Project Into...
- To modified MySQL configuration to meet your database target please see under src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml and also under src/main/resources/conf/cqrs-infrastructure-context.xml, persistence-infrastructure-context.xml
- Open enable line 42
- Open and RUN as Java Application
After first running, application will throw the error because AXON-framework initial database setup was problem to auto-generate TABLE associationvalueentry with mysql. Please patch your mysql with patch.sql under project doc.
- Run once again the, if success to run , open web-browser Chrome and invoke post http://localhost:10888/api/inital
The main goals of this project to integrated Spring-boot with Axon-trader