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Trevor Hamilton edited this page May 1, 2017 · 7 revisions

Full list of PlayerInfo types for measures

Title - String
Artist - String
Album - String
Cover - Path
CoverWebAddress - String
Position - String
Duration - String
Progress - Percent (Double) MaxValue: 100
Repeat - 0, 1 or 2
Shuffle - 0 or 1
Rating -1, 0, or 1
Volume - Percent (Integer) MaxValue: 100
Lyrics - String (Null while loading lyrics)
Queue - String (Of whatever info QueueType attribute is) ThemeType - 0 for light, 1 for dark
ThemeColor - Comma Seperated RGB Value
State - 0, 1, 2
Status - -1, 0, 1, 2


Title, Artist, Album - String of current playing songs info, blank if no info
Cover - String that points to current album art, while downloading or if no album art points to the path of the default. Atributes:
      CoverPath - a system path to where to store the album
      DefaultPath - a system path to what image to use when downloading the album art
CoverWebAddress - String of URL location of current album art, useful for doing an onChangeAction as cover will update twice when the song changes this will only update once
Position, Duration - String of how far into the song or how long the song is, formated MM:SS
Progress - Double of how far into the song you are as a percentage. To clarify that number is formated ##.##### and has a predefined max of 100.00.
Repeat - Integer of if GPMDP is set to repeat, 0 is no, 1 is repeat one song, 2 is repeat all
Shuffle - Integer of if GPMDP is set to shuffle, 0 is no, 1 is yes
Rating - Integer of the rating of the song, -1 is thumbs down, 0 is no rating, 1 is thumbs up
Volume - Integer between 0-100 of what the current volume is oin GPMDP Lyrics - String of the lyrics of the song. Note While downloading the lyrics or if there are none know this string will be "" Thus this changes twice on any song with lyrics and only once on a song without lyrics
Queue - String of an info type from a location in the relative queue Attributes:
      QueueLocation - an integer between -10 and 10 that is the song relative to the current song you want
      QueueType - A string that is either Title, Artist, Album, AlbumArt, Duration, PlayCount, or Index and is what info you want back from the queue
themetype - Integer of the type of theme GPMDP is using, 0 is white, 1 is black
themecolor - String of RGB value without transparency of the theme color in GPMDP
State - Integer of the play state of GPMDP, 0 is stopped, 1 is playing, 2 is paused
ConnectionStatus or Status - Integer status of the connection to GPMDP, -1 is plugin has not finished initializing and will become 0-2 in a moment, 0 is disconnected, 1 is connected but without remote control access, 2 is full connection


SetPosition ##.#### - Where ##.#### is a Double between 0-100. Sets the what percent of the way through the song the song is. Add + or - in front to set the position relatively
SetVolume ### - Where ### is a Integer beween 0-100, add + or - in front to set the volume relatively Note this and Progress just started supporting double's instead of int, if you need an int or are having issues contact me.
Previous, PlayPause, Next - Self explanitory, note previous set the song back to the start before going back to the previous song, PlayPause is a toggle and there is not currently a play or pause that just does that if it is requested in the future I could add this but GPMDP does not support it
Repeat - Toggles through repeat modes, order goes None -> Repeat All -> Repeat One ->
Shuffle - Toggles through shuffle modes, order goes None -> Shuffle All ->
ToggleThumbsUp and ToggleThumbsDown - Toggles the song being thumbed up or down, to set it to a specific state see SetRating
SetRating # when # is an integer, -1 is thumbs down, 0 is no rating, 1 is thumbs up.
OpenPlayer, ClosePlayer and TogglePlayer - Opens, closes or toggles GPMDP. Useful since to correctly launch GPMDP requires pointing to the update.exe and adding an argument or changing it on every update.
key #### or keycode #### - Deprecated, is now automatic - Where #### is the 4 digit authentication code for GPMDP used to elavate connection status from 1 to 2, note this only has to be done once per machine and then it is saved in the file. If connection status is 0 then GPMDP is not setup and doing this will do nothing.

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