Keras Implementation of Sparse Networks from the paper Sparsely Connected Convolutional Networks.
Code derived from the offical repository -
SparseNet is a variant of DenseNets. While DenseNets have a skip connection after every block in its dense structure, SparseNets have such skip connections only at depths of 2^N (with exponential offsets rather than a static linear offset). DenseNets posses O(n^2) skip connections for every dense block, whereas SparseNets have only O(log n) skip connections in each of its sparse blocks.
This allows models which are much less memory intensive, while still performing at the level / even surpassing DenseNets, with fewer parameters.
The above image from the paper shows that each input at the end only requires log2 n input connections.
This image from their paper shows the major difference between the connectivity pattern in SparseNets vs ResNets/DenseNets.
There is a small discrepancy in the number of parameters between the paper and this repo.
- SparseNet-40-24 (Keras = 0.74 M, paper = 0.76 M)
- SparseNet-100-24 (Keras = 2.50 M, paper = 2.52 M)
If anyone can figure out the cause of this discrepancy, I'd be grateful.
- Keras 2.1.3
- Tensorflow / Theano / CNTK (I am assuming since all frameworks support ResNets, they should be able to support this as well without any modification)