Hi, I'm Tip ten Brink.
I am studying for a MSc in Computer Science at the TU Delft, after completing a BSc in Applied Mathematics and a BSc in Applied Physics. I'm interested in scaling distributed systems, cloud infrastructure, high-performance computing, cryptography and mathematical optimization. I also like building useful applications.
- I'm interested in combining the flexibility, ease of use and accessibility of Python and the performance, reliability and soundness of Rust. Thank you to PyO3/pyo3 for creating a powerful interface between these two languages!
- I also love the power of the web. For that purpose I'm learning about deployment infrastructure, TypeScript, React and SvelteKit. I'm especially concerned with keeping the web secure, so I like looking into technologies like OPAQUE and general cryptography.
- I like building small tools for useful tasks. For that reason, I am developing dirgh (download a single directory from GitHub) and confspawn (for generating config files from templates).
- You can contact me on LinkedIn.