This project maintains Moxiedoc, a tool used to build API reference documentation. If you have any modifications you wish to contribute, fork this project, make the changes and submit a pull request. You will need to sign the contributors license agreement, which will be emailed to you upon creating the pull request.
To create API reference documentation from a development version of moxiedoc, run:
yarn build
node ./dist/lib/cli.js PATH/TO/API_FILE_FOLDER
Moxiedoc provides the following options to customise the format of the output documentation:
-o --out <path>: location of output files, default: 'tmp/'
-t --template <template>: documentation type: default: 'cli'; 'antora', 'github', 'moxiewiki', 'singlehtml', 'tinymcenext', 'xml'
-s --structure <type>: default: 'default'; 'legacy'
-v --verbose: verbose output
--debug: debug output
--dry: dry run only syntax check
--fail-on-warning: fail if warnings are produced
The output JSON takes the form of the following schema:
"namespace.Class": {
"type": "class|enum|struct|mixin|interface",
"members": [
"type": "method|field|property|event|constant|callback",
"static": true,
"abstract": true,
"name": "doStuff",
"access": "private|protected|internal|public",
"extends": "namespace.Class",
"implements": ["namespace.Interface"],
"deprecated": "Text about deprecation",
"description": "Do stuff",
"mixes": ["namespace.Class1", "namespace.Class2"],
"examples": [
{"text": "Some example"},
{"caption": "Some example", "text": "Some example"}
"params": [
{"name": "mystuff", "type": "string", "description": "My stuff"}
"returns": {
{"type": "string", "description": "Returns string."}