AN5020 DCMI Example: STM32FGDISCOVERY with STM32F4DIS-CAM (OV9655)
- IDE: Atollic TrueSTUDIO for STM32 with STM32CubeMX
- Display: ROCKTECH, 4.3-inch 480x272 LCD-TFT
- Camera: STM32F4DIS-CAM (OV9655, 1280x1024 SXGA)
Camera Module:
- Picture Size
- Frame Rate
- Data Format
- Scaling Image Output:
The OV9655 is capable of scaling down the image size from VGA to 40x30. By using register bits
- COM14[1] (0x3E)
- COM16[0] (0x41)
- POIDX (0x72)
- XINDX (0x74)
- YINDX (0x75) At certain image sizes, HREF is not consistent in a frame.
- use HSE 25MHz(X2, RCC_HSE_BYPASS) as the clock source
- enable (LTDC,FMC) in STM32CubeMX
- put font24.c in src folder, and no need to include the file in main.c
- the LCD-TFT might burn if using the 320x240 resolution
- some issues with STM32CubeMX code regeneration
- in STM32CubeMX project settings, don't generate function calls for FMC and LTDC modules
- changed to double-buffer mode to use two banks of SDRAM, only supports Length <=0xFFFF
- added MPU configuration according to AN4861 LTDC 6.2.7
- changed to using BSP Camera module and it uses HAL_DCMI_ConfigCROP to get a 480x272 image.
- changed to using BSP LCD module.
- generate codes with STM32CubeMX and add device files