This is a desktop app for Home Assistant Assist. It is built using Tauri and Svelte.
Compatible with Windows, MacOS, and Linux.
You can find out more about Home Assistant Assist here.
- Speech to text
- Text to speech
- Assist pipeline picker via Assist icon in main window
- Toggle with keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl + Alt + A
to toggle main windowAlt + Shift + A
to trigger voice pipeline
- System tray icon
- Double click to toggle main window
You can download the latest release from the releases page.
When you first run the app, you will be prompted to enter your Home Assistant URL and Long Lived Access Token. These are used to connect to your Home Assistant instance.
Your Home Assistant URL must be https due to browser security restrictions.
yarn install
yarn tauri dev
yarn tauri build
A lot of the assist code is based on the Home Assistant frontend code. Here are some of the files which were used: