The notes below are for Insoshi. SFBace has deviated from Isoshi in many respects, which are mostly undocuments. You can use the guidelines below judiciously.
NOTE: If you downloaded a zipped archive of Insoshi, we strongly encourage you to clone the Insoshi Git repository instead. See the instructions below, and also see
for more details.
To follow our progress, join the Insoshi developer community site at
and join the Insoshi Google group at
The source code to Insoshi is managed via Git, a version control system developed by Linus Torvalds to host the Linux kernel.
The first step is to install it from here:
Linux and Mac users should have no problems; Windows users might have to install Cygwin ( first.
For more detailed information, check out our guide for Installing Git under Git Guides at
You’ll need to install FreeImage or some other image processor (such as ImageMagick/RMagick) and a database (MySQL or PostgreSQL). Install instructions for these are easy to find using Google. (If you’re installing FreeImage on Windows, this blog post might be helpful:
To use Insoshi’s search capability, you also need Sphinx. Follow the instructions at to install Sphinx for your platform. When running Insoshi in a production envinronment, you should also set up a cron job to rotate the search index as described here:
This currently works only with MySQL due to a bug in Ultrasphinx.
You probably have Rails already, but might not have the others.
$ sudo gem install rails $ sudo gem install mysql # for mysql support $ sudo gem install postgres # for postgres support $ sudo gem install chronic
If you’re using FreeImage/ImageScience, you’ll also need the image_science gem:
$ sudo gem install image_science
If you want Markdown formatting support you can install either RDiscount (fast but platform-dependent):
$ sudo gem install rdiscount
or BlueCloth (slower but pure Ruby)
$ sudo gem install BlueCloth
Here are the steps to get up and running with the Insoshi Rails app.
Our public Git repository is hosted on GitHub and can be viewed at
You can clone the the repository with the command
$ git clone git://
The clone make take a moment to complete (mainly due to the frozen Rails gems).
Then make a local Git branch for yourself:
$ git checkout -b <local_branch>
where you should replace <local_branch> with the name of your choice (without angle brackets!).
For more information on configuring your local clone of our repository, check out our Git Guides at
which also includes a scripted Quick Local Repository Setup.
To run the install script, you first need to set up your database configuration. If you’re using MySQL, you can just copy the example file as follows:
$ cp config/database.example config/database.yml
Then open up database.yml and set up the passwords to match your system.
Run the following custom install script
$ script/install
The install script runs the database migration and performs some additional setup tasks (generate an encryption keypair for password management, creating an admin account, etc.)
If the install step fails, you may not have properly set up your database configuration.
Then prepare the test database and run the tests (which are actually RSpec examples in the spec/ directory):
$ rake db:test:prepare $ rake spec
If the tests fail in the Photos controller test, double-check that an image processor is properly installed.
At this point, configure and start the Ultrasphinx daemon for the test runtime
$ rake ultrasphinx:configure RAILS_ENV=test $ rake ultrasphinx:index RAILS_ENV=test $ rake ultrasphinx:daemon:start RAILS_ENV=test
and re-run the tests
$ rake spec
The search specs detect whether the search daemon is running and weren’t performed during the first test run. An initial test run is needed in order to populate the test database for indexing (search specs would fail on an empty database).
To shut down the Ultrasphinx daemon for test
$ rake ultrasphinx:daemon:stop RAILS_ENV=test
Now load the sample data
$ rake db:sample_data:reload
configure and start the Ultrasphinx daemon for the development runtime
$ rake ultrasphinx:configure $ rake ultrasphinx:index $ rake ultrasphinx:daemon:start
and start the server
$ script/server
The rake task loads sample data to make developing easier. All the sample users have email logins <name>, with password foobar.
Go to localhost:3000 and log in as follows:
email: [email protected] password: foobar
To sign in as the pre-configured admin user, use
email: [email protected] password: admin
You should update the email address and password. Insoshi will display warning messages to remind you to do that.
To see site preferences such as email settings, click on the “Admin view” and the click on “Prefs” in the menu. Click the “Edit” link to customize the preferences for your particular site.
Now open the source code with your favorite editor and start hacking!
Check out our Git Guides for information on how to manage your local development and how you can contribute your updates back to us:
Note that there is a minimalist stat tracker that lets us keep track of how many different installs of Isoshi are out there. We don’t collect any personal information, but if you don’t want to be tracked just open application.html.erb and comment out the line after this one:
<%# A tracker to tell us about the activity of Insoshi installs %>
The tracker works by hitting an external URL, so you should comment out this linem if working offline.
See the file LICENSE.