FitNet paper
To start the ditillation using the teacher saved in pre-trained/ResNet32.mat use --teacher=ResNet32
Example: guided layer is layer n# 3 and hint layer is n#11 , the bottelneck channel number here is 8. and max_pool_size of [4,4] window. Is is important that guided layer and hint layer must have the same output size.
!python train_w_distill.py --Distillation=FitNet --train_dir=fitnet --main_scope=Student_w_FitNet --teacher=ResNet_teacher --hintLayerIndex=11 --guidedLayerIndex=3 --BottelneckChanelNBR=9 max_pool_btlnk_size=4
- To retrain the teacher : put Distillation to None , and specify the main_scope=Teacher as follow :
!python train_w_distill.py --Distillation=None --train_dir=test --main_scope=Teacher
-To compute the trained student network performance, use:
!python computeValForStudentNet.py