1477 commits
to master
since this release
Release Date 2024-05-24
New Features & Bug Fixes
- SecurityPkg:Add EFI Device Authentication Signature Database and SPDM
- CryptoPkg:add additional RSAES-OAEP crypto functions
- OvmfPkg:Add 5-level paging support
- OvmfPkg:SEV-SNP Support for running under an SVSM
- OvmfPkg:RBP register shall be cleared in TDVMCALL
- OvmfPkg:Harden #VC instruction emulation (CVE-2024-25742)
- Add SPI bus driver stack
- NetworkPkg: Predictable TCP ISNs
- NetworkPkg: Use of a Weak PseudoRandom Number Generator
- UefiCpuPkg: Add new SmmRelocationLib library
Bugzilla List
Update Notes
- NetworkPkg SECURITY PATCH CVE-2023-45237 requires the platform to provide the right implementation of the EFI_RNG_PROTOCOL
(i.e., using a GUID that appears in the allowlist) and EFI_HASH2_PROTOCOL. If it is not implemented, the platform will lose the ability to do network boot.