Convert a Graphql Schema to OpenAPI Spec w/ customization hooks
# schema.graphql
## This directive declaration needs to be added to your graphql definitions.
## Needs to be defined only once.
directive @rest(
REST path for the generated API route.
path: String = "/api/" # Can specify a default value.
API Method
method: String = "GET"
Tag to add to the generated API route.
tag: String = ""
Hide the operation from the generated spec.
hidden: Boolean = false
type Mutation {
This is a comment which will become the description of this REST
This comment becomes the description of the query parameter.
name: String
The GUID of the user account to query
id: String!
The updated display name
displayName: String
): UserResponse @rest(path: "/user", method: "PUT", tag: "User") # Define the openAPI spec config here.
type Query {
The GUID of the user account to query
id: String!
): UserResponse @rest(path: "/user", method: "GET", tag: "User")
type UserResponse {
import { getOpenAPISpec } from '@thoughtspot/gql-to-openapi';
const { spec } = getOpenAPISpec({
info: {},
basePath: '/api/v1',
fs.writeFile(fileName, openAPISpec);