This example is intended to introduce you to how to integrate your Ruby on Rails web application with the One Sky translation service.
We'll begin from a simple app, with a single page, in 3 languages, and cover;
Signing up to the One Sky platform
Installing the Gem
Creating the One Sky configuration file
Uploading your english strings.
Using the Platform to provide translations.
Downloading the translations.
Improving Translations
Deploying to Heroku
Signing up to the One Sky Platform is a simple process.
- Go to One Sky homepage
Click on Begin Free Trial
You'll be required to enter the usual details, plus you will need to choose a subdomain for the app to run at. (for the means of this tutorial we'll say you chose the domain
You'll receive an activation email, follow back to activate, and then set up your project.
Back on One Sky's Platform, it'll ask you to "Create New Project"
We're going to create a project named "example_app", with the base language "English (US)", and with a single platform "Website"
We're done for now!
Simply open up the Gemfile and add in the line
gem 'i18n-one_sky'
Do a quick bundle install
and everything should be ready.
For this we need four pieces of information;
The API Public Key
The API Secret Key
The Project Name
The Platform ID
For the API Keys go to the One Sky Platform, click on "Account & Settings", then click on "API Key" It will display a "Public Key" and a "Secret Key".
In this case the "Public Key" is "publicpublicpublicpublicpublic" and the "Secret Key" is "secretsecretsecretsecretsecret"
The Project Name in our example is "example_app"
The Platform ID is shown on the One Sky Platform, just look where it says "Website (#123)".
In this case the "Platform ID" is 123.
We run the rails generate command with the arguments as follows
rails generate one_sky:init publicpublicpublicpublicpublic secretsecretsecretsecretsecret example_app 123
You should now see a file in the config directory named "one_sky.yml".
The contents should look like
api_key: publicpublicpublicpublicpublic
api_secret: secretsecretsecretsecretsecret
project: example_app
platform_id: 123
With One Sky setup correctly this should just be a matter of running the rake task.
rake one_sky:upload
Back on the One Sky Platform you should be able to see all of your strings uploaded (in this case there are 9)
We have to do two things;
- Enable extra languages.
- Add the translations.
To enable extra languages, go back to the One Sky Platform, click on the application, and click on the "languages" button.
For our example we want to enable the following languages;
Chinese (Simplified)
For each of these we're going to set the "Solo" package.
We're going to Translate our strings for each language using Google Translate.
So we go back to the language list and select "Chinese (Simplified)" and click "Translate Now"
We're then going to choose "Machine" translation, select "Google Translate" and click "Translate immediately".
Then go and do the same for "French".
In a few minutes we should receive an email saying;
Your request for project example_app translate into Chinese Simplified is complete,
total 9 phrases, 9 successes and 0 failures.
We can follow the link in the email to see the translations as they are. They are not perfect, but they'll do for now.
This is now super-easy.
We use the second rake task
rake one_sky:download
This will add to our application the files;
- config/locales/fr_FR_one_sky.yml
- config/locales/zh_CN_one_sky.yml
Taking a peek at one of these files, we'll see;
# This was downloaded from OneSky. Log in to your OneSky account to manage translations on their website.
# Language code: zh_CN
# Language name: 简体中文
# Language English name: Chinese Simplified
"home": "尝试改变语言。"
"debug": "调试"
"home": "一空示例应用程序"
"french": "法国"
"english": "英语"
"chinese": "中国"
"home": "一空Rails的范例"
As expected Google Translate is fine, But a few of the translations are a bit dodgy.
Let's go back to the One Sky Platform and change some of them.
For consistency we'll make each translation refer to the written language, thereby we will change;
- "French" to "法文"
- "English" to "英文"
- "Chinese" to "中文"
Go back to the One Sky Platform, select "Chinese (Simplified)", select "all strings", and find the strings we want to change.
To make the change click "Suggest a new translation".
We come back to the application, and do the same again;
rake one_sky:download
Now the translations will be updated.
Deploying to Heroku is easy!
Simply open up the Gemfile and add in the line
gem 'heroku'
Then run a quick bundle install
After this the heroku deployment is just
heroku create --stack cedar
git push heroku master
This is fine, but Heroku doesn't allow us to change the file system, so we need to change the way we load translations.
Luckily we have a Rails generator to handle the tricky stuff for us
rails generate one_sky:init_active_record_backend
Running this will create a migration, and an initializer, that will allow us to use the database to store translations.
Lets get the latest code onto Heroku
git add .
git commit -m "added active record backend"
git push heroku master
We will need to run the migration on Heroku too
heroku run rake db:migrate
And we're ready.
Now all we need to update translations is
# run the special active record download task
heroku run rake one_sky:active_record:download
# restarting is crucial to refresh the I18n cache
heroku restart