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An opinionated infrastructure-forward modern web template built for continuous integration and delivery on GitHub Actions; using Docker, AWS Fargate, and NodeJS

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An opinionated infrastructure-forward modern web template built for continuous integration and delivery; using Docker, AWS Fargate, and NodeJS

Code Quality Deploy to Staging Deploy to Production


Created in part with reference to the following guides:


This is kind of a big question. Fundamentally, though, I think that 90% of tutorials, templates, and 'get started' guides only ever take you about half the way there (if that!) and as a relative newcomer to scalable, production-quality infrastructure, I could have really benefited from a guide like this one.

For a more detailed breakdown, see this piece-by-piece rationale.


Here's what to expect.

Tech Stack

  • Served by NodeJS using the Koa framework
  • Rendered by React
  • Styled with Emotion
  • Tested with Jest
  • Linted, prettified, and written in highly safe and readable TypeScript
  • Packaged into a Docker image on deploy

Note that you do not need Docker installed to run the application in development, but you will likely want to have it eventually to customize your containers.

Getting Started in Development

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run npm install
  3. Make a copy of the template.env file provided and rename it as your local .env file (this lets you connect to your local MySQL server)
  4. Create a demodb schema and run the demodb.sql file against your local MySQL server
  5. Run npm run dev to start the development servers and begin hacking


One of the most critical pieces of development is easily being able to step through code. There are two ways to step through the server code:

  1. Attach to the currently running process, by running the Attach to Server configuration from VS Code's debug menu.
  2. Stop the server (pm2 stop server) and then run the Launch Debug Server configuration from VS Code's debug menu (configured in the launch.json file) in order to step through the server code.

Next Steps

When you're ready to deploy your application to a 'production-like' staging environment, follow the steps below (Infrastructure) to set up AWS resources for that environment (you will need to repeat these steps for your production environment). Once the resources are available, configure the necessary environment variables as secrets in the AWS Secrets Manager and replace the [[arn]] fields in your task-def-staging.json file.

Test the deploy by going to your GitHub repository and navigating to Actions > Deploy to Staging > Run workflow and hitting the green button to run the workflow.

Once you've verified that your manual deploys are working, I'd recommend changing the run condition in .github/workflow/deploy_staging.yml to run the staging deploy on every push to the main branch. The production deploy trigger should always be manual.


You will need the aws command line tool installed to execute these steps.

GitHub Actions Setup

  1. Create a new IAM Group "DeployGroup" with the following policies:
  • AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess
  • AmazonECS_FullAccess
  1. Add a new IAM User "GitHub" to the DeployGroup

(FOR PROD) Create a VPC and Security Group

See Tutorial: Creating a VPC with Public and Private Subnets for Your Clusters.

Create Application Load Balancer

  1. Create a new security group for your fargate cluster (e.g. darkbridge-fargate-staging-sg)
  2. Ensure the security group is the same as Fargate's
  3. Create a new Application Load Balancer
  4. Set the target type to IP

Create a Container Registry

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name darkbridge_registry --region us-east-1

Set up a Fargate service

These first three steps are necessary for the GitHub Actions workflow to succeed.

Ensure that the ecsTaskExecutionRole role is available and can be assumed by the GitHub workflow as described here.

  1. Create a role (if it does not already exist) called ecsTaskExecutionRole with the AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy policy
  2. Also add the SecretsManagerReadWrite policy
  3. Replace the trust relationship with the following:
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": ""
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Now register the task definition:

aws ecs register-task-definition --region us-east-1 --cli-input-json file://$HOME/darkbridge/task-def-staging.json

Create an ECS cluster

aws ecs create-cluster --region us-east-1 --cluster-name darkbridge-cluster-staging

Create a Fargate service

Make sure to specify the cluster for your service

Also note that you have to associate the load balancer with the service at the time of the service creation


aws ecs create-service --region us-east-1 --service-name darkbridge-service-staging --task-definition darkbridge-task-staging:1 --desired-count 2 --launch-type "FARGATE" --network-configuration "awsvpcConfiguration={subnets=[ [[private-subnet1]],[[public-subnet1]],[[private-subnet2]],[[public-subnet2]] ],securityGroups=[ [[security-group]] ]}" --load-balancers "targetGroupArn=[[arn]], containerName=darkbridge-container, containerPort=80" --cluster darkbridge-cluster-staging

Working with Environment Variables

  1. Go to the AWS Secrets Manager
  2. Add an 'Other' > 'Plaintext' Secret
  3. Name it EXAMPLE_SECRET_VARIABLE and replace the arn in task-def.json
  4. Add the SecretsManagerReadWrite policy to your task-def's executionRole



  • Make sure the security group has an HTTP inbound rule set to to allow public access
  • The ALB must be created and the target group specified before the service is created (see above)
  • Similarly the app in the task definition file, the alb, and so on should be named better.
  • By default, Fargate containers are limited to 200 MiB of memory; running the server with ts-node for example creates an unstable service since ts-node compiles to memory -- it's much better to compile to disk for production.
  • RE: ENV VARIABLES, Fargate only supports secrets that are a single value, not the JSON or key value secrets. So choose OTHER when creating the secret and just put a single text value there.
  • If a cluster is expected but not provided, you'll occasionally see a confusing "missing cluster: default" error; this usually means a --cluster needs to be specified in the cli command

Testing the Docker Image Locally

  • Build the image
docker build -t [tag_name] .
  • Launch the image in the background, exposing port 80
docker run -d -p 80:80 [tag_name]
  • Navigate to localhost in your browser

Connecting to RDS

See Database Management


  • Connecting to RDS
  • Allow attaching to the server process for debugging
  • Optional connecting to Mailgun
  • Continuous integration tests run on push
  • Connecting to S3
  • Sourcemaps for production error monitoring
  • Use the image output from the staging deploy for the prod deploy


An opinionated infrastructure-forward modern web template built for continuous integration and delivery on GitHub Actions; using Docker, AWS Fargate, and NodeJS







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