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Thomas Kuestner committed Apr 29, 2016
1 parent 70cdf6d commit f855ae8
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Showing 11 changed files with 1,373 additions and 0 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,14 @@ A Cartesian 3D random Gaussian ESPReSSo subsampling is proposed which acquires a
- precompiled 4D MR imaging sequence: CS_Retro (Siemens, VB20P)

## Reconstruction
retrospective motion gating and reconstruction of subsampled data
- self-navigation signal extraction
- gating procedure
- for the CS reconstruction, please refer to
### Matlab
code included here
### Gadgetron
please refer to

Please read LICENSE file for licensing details.
Expand Down
Binary file added acquisition/CS_FLASH_retro.dll
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added acquisition/CS_FLASH_retro.i86
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added acquisition/CS_FLASH_retro.i87
Binary file not shown.
499 changes: 499 additions & 0 deletions reconstruction/fRetroGating.m

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions reconstruction/fRetroGetNav.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
function dNav = fRetroGetNav(sFilename, lDebug)
%FFLASHRETROGETNAV Extracts navigator data from CS_FLASH_retro sequence
% DNAV = FFLASHRETROGETNAV(SFILENAME) Extracts navigator data DNAV from
% the siemens meas-data file SFILENAME. Must have been parsed with
% FMeasCreateLUT before.
% Copyright 2014-2016 Christian Wuerslin, University of Tuebingen, Germany
% [email protected]
% and Thomas Kuestner, University of Tuebingen, Germany
% [email protected]

if(nargin < 1)
lDebug = false;
[sPath, sName, sExt] = fileparts(sFilename);

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Get some relevant data from the drecksMDH
load(fullfile(sPath,[sName,'.mat']), 'SDrecksMDH');
dBaseRes = SDrecksMDH.Geo.MatrixSize(1);
dTR = SDrecksMDH.Contrast.TR./1000; % in ms
dEchoLine = SDrecksMDH.Geo.EchoPosition(1);
dEchoPartition = SDrecksMDH.Geo.EchoPosition(2);
dEchoLine = SDrecksMDH.Geo.MatrixSize(2)/2;
dEchoPartition = SDrecksMDH.Geo.MatrixSize(3)/2;
dNavPeriod = SDrecksMDH.Wip.NavPeriod;
dNavPERes = SDrecksMDH.Wip.NavRes(1);
% Load the loop counters
load([sPath, filesep, sName, '.mat']);
dBaseRes = 256;
dEchoLine = 128;
dEchoPartition = 36;
dNavPeriod = 200;
dNavPERes = 1;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Get ktSpace
[dKtSpace, iLC] = fMeasRead(sFilename, 'Set', [1 7], 'Eco', 0, 'Lin', dEchoLine, 'Par', dEchoPartition);
if(length(unique(iLC(:,10))) > 1) % in the case of switched on surrogate monitoring
lMask = true(size(iLC, 1), 1);
lMask = lMask & (iLC(:,10) == 1 | iLC(:,10) == 3 | iLC(:,10) == 5 | iLC(:,10) == 7);
iLC = iLC(lMask,:);
dKtSpace = dKtSpace(lMask,:);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Determine data size
iNChannels = double(iLC(1, 2));
iNSamples = size(dKtSpace, 2);
iNMeasurements = size(dKtSpace, 1)./(iNChannels);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Build up the kSpaces of all channels
dKtSpace = reshape(dKtSpace, [iNChannels, iNMeasurements, iNSamples]);
dKtSpace = permute(dKtSpace, [3, 2, 1]); % -> RO x t x CH
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Reconstruct the 1-D projections for all measuremetns and all channels
dImg = fftshift(ifft(ifftshift(dKtSpace(:,:,:))));
dImg = flipdim(dImg, 1); % Invert the RO direction: 1-N -> H-F
dImg = dImg(iNSamples/4:iNSamples.*3/4 - 1, :, :, :); % RO x t x CH

% Get x range of respiratory motion and sort out Channels with no relevant
% information in target area
dFreq = fft(dImg, [], 2);
dPower = dFreq.*conj(dFreq);
dIMGres = 1./(double(dNavPeriod)./1000.*double(iNMeasurements)); % The frequency resolution of dIMG in Hz
dPower = squeeze(sum(dPower(:, round(1./(5.*dIMGres)):round(1./(3.*dIMGres)), :), 2)); % RO x CH
dPowerInChan = dPower; % RO x CH
dPowerAcrossChannels = sum(dPowerInChan, 2); % RO x 1
dPowerAcrossChannels(length(dPowerAcrossChannels).*3/4:end) = 0; % Prevent detection of regions in the abdomen
dPowerAcrossChannels = conv(dPowerAcrossChannels, fGaussianLP(20), 'same');
[dMax, dX] = max(dPowerAcrossChannels);
dMax = max(dPowerInChan(dX - 20: dX + 20, :));
lGoodChannels = dMax > 0.4.*max(dMax);

dSOSImg = sqrt(sum(dImg(:,:,lGoodChannels).*conj(dImg(:,:,lGoodChannels)), 3));
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Get the navigator signal
iDisplacement = 80; % [mm] diaphragm displacement (max. +/- 80mm)
dDisplacement = round(iDisplacement/(SDrecksMDH.Geo.FOV(1)/SDrecksMDH.Geo.MatrixSize(1))); % [px]

dRefImg = zeros(size(dSOSImg));
dRefImg(:,end) = dSOSImg(:,end);
idx = 1:size(dRefImg,2);
dNav = zeros(1,size(dRefImg,2));

hF = waitbar(0, 'Getting Navigator');
for i=size(dRefImg,2)-1:-1:2
dRMSImg = zeros(size(dRefImg,1),2*dDisplacement+1);
tmp = dRefImg(:,idx(i+1:end));
for iD = -dDisplacement:dDisplacement
dRMSImg(:,dDisplacement-iD+1) = sum((tmp - repmat(circshift(dSOSImg(:,idx(i)), iD),[1 size(tmp,2)])).^2,2); % RMS
waitbar((abs(i-size(dRefImg,2)-2)*(2*dDisplacement+1) + (iD + dDisplacement + 1))/((size(dRefImg,2)-2)*(2*dDisplacement+1)),hF);
[~, dNav(i)] = min(sum(dRMSImg(dX-round(dDisplacement/2):dX+round(dDisplacement/2),:))); % RMS
dNav(i) = dDisplacement + 1 - dNav(i);
dRefImg(:,idx(i)) = circshift(dSOSImg(:,idx(i)), dNav(i));
dNav = -dNav;
dNav = conv(dNav, fGaussianLP(5), 'same');
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Visualize the result
figure('Name','Navi'), imagesc(dSOSImg(:, 3:end));
colormap gray;
hold all;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Interpolate the navigator data to TR intervals
load([sPath, filesep, sName, '.mat'], 'iLC');
iLC = iLC(1:iNChannels:end, :);
iLC = iLC(iLC(:,7) == 0, :); % first echo
iLC = iLC(iLC(:, 1) == 2*dBaseRes, :); % only "real" readouts

dNav = - dNav;
dNav = dNav - min(dNav);

iNavInd = find((iLC(:,3) == dEchoLine) & (iLC(:,6) == dEchoPartition));
if(length(iNavInd) ~= length(dNav)) % happens at the end when navi not fully acquired
iNavInd = iNavInd(1:length(dNav));
dNavInt = interp1(iNavInd, dNav, 1:length(iLC), 'pchip');
dNavInt_ms = interp1(iNavInd.*dTR, dNav, 1:length(iLC).*dTR, 'pchip');
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Append the navigator data to the LUT file
save([sPath, filesep, sName, '.mat'], 'dNavInt', '-append');
save([sPath, filesep, sName, '.mat'], 'dNavInt_ms', '-append');
save([sPath, filesep, sName, '.mat'], 'dSOSImg', '-append');
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
211 changes: 211 additions & 0 deletions reconstruction/fRetroGetNav2D.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
function [dNav, dKSpace] = fRetroGetNav2D(sFilename,lDebug)
%FFLASHRETROGETNAV2D Extracts navigator data from CS_FLASH_retro sequence
% DNAV = FFLASHRETROGETNAV(SFILENAME) Extracts navigator data DNAV from
% the siemens meas-data file SFILENAME. Must have been parsed with
% FMeasCreateLUT before.
% Copyright 2014-2016 Christian Wuerslin, University of Tuebingen, Germany
% [email protected]
% and Thomas Kuestner, University of Tuebingen, Germany
% [email protected]

if(nargin < 1)
lDebug = false;

[sPath, sName, sExt] = fileparts(sFilename);

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Get some relevant data from the drecksMDH
load(fullfile(sPath,[sName,'.mat']), 'SDrecksMDH');
dBaseRes = SDrecksMDH.Geo.MatrixSize(1);
dTR = SDrecksMDH.Contrast.TR./1000; % in ms
dEchoLine = SDrecksMDH.Geo.EchoPosition(1);
dEchoPartition = SDrecksMDH.Geo.EchoPosition(2);
dEchoLine = SDrecksMDH.Geo.MatrixSize(2)/2;
dEchoPartition = SDrecksMDH.Geo.MatrixSize(3)/2;
dNavPeriod = SDrecksMDH.Wip.NavPeriod;
dNavPERes = SDrecksMDH.Wip.NavRes(1);

% Load the loop counters
load([sPath, filesep, sName, '.mat']);
dBaseRes = 256;
dEchoLine = 128;
dEchoPartition = 36;
dNavPeriod = 200;
dNavPERes = 8;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Read all projections (partition == echoPartition) AND (line == echoLine)
% Currently only uses the first echo, but could be extended to multi-echo
[dKSpace, iLC] = fMeasRead(sFilename, 'Set', [1 7], 'Seg', [0 60000], 'Eco', 0);
if(length(unique(iLC(:,10))) > 1) % in the case of switched on surrogate monitoring
lMask = true(size(iLC, 1), 1);
lMask = lMask & (iLC(:,10) == 1 | iLC(:,10) == 3 | iLC(:,10) == 5 | iLC(:,10) == 7); % binary encoded [ECG, Belt, Navi] -> cut out all cases in which Navi is on
iLC = iLC(lMask,:);
dKSpace = dKSpace(lMask,:);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Determine data size
iNChannels = double(iLC(1, 2));
iNSamples = size(dKSpace, 2);
dNavPERes = length(unique(iLC(:,3))); % correct number of phase-encoding lines
iNMeasurements = size(dKSpace, 1)./(iNChannels.*dNavPERes);
if(mod(iNMeasurements,1) ~= 0) % happens if a navi at the end was not completely acquired
dUniqueNavi = unique(iLC(:,3));
iLastpos = find(iLC(:,3) == max(dUniqueNavi),1,'last');
dKSpace = dKSpace(1:iLastpos,:);
iLC = iLC(1:iLastpos,:);
iNMeasurements = size(dKSpace, 1)./(iNChannels.*dNavPERes);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Build up the kSpaces of all channels
dKSpace = reshape(dKSpace, [iNChannels, dNavPERes, iNMeasurements, iNSamples]);
dKSpace = permute(dKSpace, [4, 3, 2, 1]); % -> RO x t x PE x CH
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Reconstruct the 1-D projections for all measurements and all channels
dImg = fftshift(ifft(ifftshift(dKSpace)));
dImg = fftshift(ifft(ifftshift(dImg, 3), [], 3), 3);
dImg = flipdim(dImg, 1); % Invert the RO direction: 1-N -> H-F
dImg = dImg(iNSamples/4:iNSamples.*3/4 - 1, :, :, :); % RO x t x PE x CH

dPower = sum(sum(sum(abs(dImg), 1), 2), 3);
dImg = dImg./repmat(dPower, [size(dImg, 1), size(dImg, 2), size(dImg, 3), 1]);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Get x range of respiratory motion
dFreq = fft(dImg, [], 2);
dPower = dFreq.*conj(dFreq);
dIMGres = 1./(double(dNavPeriod)./1000.*double(iNMeasurements)); % The frequency resolution of dIMG in Hz
dPower = squeeze(sum(dPower(:, round(1./(5.*dIMGres)):round(1./(3.*dIMGres)), :, :), 2)); % RO x PE x CH
if(ismatrix(dPower)) % happens for BH acquisition, i.e iNPHASES=1
dPower = permute(dPower,[1 3 2]);
dPowerInChan = squeeze(sum(dPower, 2)); % RO x CH
dPowerAcrossChannels = sum(dPowerInChan, 2); % RO x 1
dPowerAcrossChannels(length(dPowerAcrossChannels).*3./4:end) = 0; % Prevent detection of regions in the abdomen
dPowerAcrossChannels = conv(dPowerAcrossChannels, fGaussianLP(20), 'same');
[dMax, dX] = max(dPowerAcrossChannels);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Sort out Channels with no relevant information in target area
dMax = max(dPowerInChan(dX - 20: dX + 20, :));
lGoodChannels = dMax > 0.2.*max(dMax);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Get the best PE line
dPowerInPE = squeeze(sum(sum(dPower(dX - 20:dX + 20, :, lGoodChannels), 3)));
[dVal, dPos] = max(dPowerInPE);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% find best corresponding channels according to best phase encoding
% position
dFreq = fft(dImg(:,:,dPos,:),[],2);
dPower = dFreq.*conj(dFreq);
dIMGres = 1./(double(dNavPeriod)./1000.*double(iNMeasurements)); % The frequency resolution of dIMG in Hz
dPowerInChan = squeeze(sum(dPower(:, round(1./(5.*dIMGres)):round(1./(3.*dIMGres)), :), 2)); % RO x CH
dPowerAcrossChannels = sum(dPowerInChan, 2); % RO x 1
dPowerAcrossChannels(length(dPowerAcrossChannels).*3./4:end) = 0; % Prevent detection of regions in the abdomen
dPowerAcrossChannels = conv(dPowerAcrossChannels, fGaussianLP(20), 'same');
[dMax, dX] = max(dPowerAcrossChannels);
dMax = max(dPowerInChan(dX - 20: dX + 20, :));
lGoodChannels = dMax > 0.2.*max(dMax);
[lMode, iChaSel, dPos] = fRetroNaviChoosePos( dImg, find(lGoodChannels), dPos, 1 );
lGoodChannels = false(size(lGoodChannels));
lGoodChannels(iChaSel) = true;
dRelevantImg = squeeze(dImg(:, :, dPos, lGoodChannels)); % In-plane res: 2 mm/px
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Sort out channels, which have distortions in the relevant area (bending
% artifact)
dRelevantImg = dRelevantImg.*conj(dRelevantImg);
dMax = max(max(dRelevantImg));
dMax = repmat(dMax, [size(dRelevantImg, 1), size(dRelevantImg, 2), 1]);
dSOSImg = sqrt(sum(dRelevantImg./dMax, 3));
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Get the navigator signal
iDisplacement = 80; % [mm] diaphragm displacement (max. +/- 80mm)
dDisplacement = round(iDisplacement/(SDrecksMDH.Geo.FOV(1)/SDrecksMDH.Geo.MatrixSize(1))); % [px]

dRefImg = zeros(size(dSOSImg));
dRefImg(:,end) = dSOSImg(:,end);
idx = 1:size(dRefImg,2);
dNav = zeros(1,size(dRefImg,2));

hF = waitbar(0, 'Getting Navigator');
for i=size(dRefImg,2)-1:-1:2
dRMSImg = zeros(size(dRefImg,1),2*dDisplacement+1);
tmp = dRefImg(:,idx(i+1:end));
for iD = -dDisplacement:dDisplacement
dRMSImg(:,dDisplacement-iD+1) = sum((tmp - repmat(circshift(dSOSImg(:,idx(i)), iD),[1 size(tmp,2)])).^2,2); % RMS
waitbar((abs(i-size(dRefImg,2)-2)*(2*dDisplacement+1) + (iD + dDisplacement + 1))/((size(dRefImg,2)-2)*(2*dDisplacement+1)),hF);
[~, dNav(i)] = min(sum(dRMSImg(dX-round(dDisplacement/2):dX+round(dDisplacement/2),:))); % RMS
%[~, dNav(i)] = min(sum(dRMSImg)); % RMS
dNav(i) = dDisplacement + 1 - dNav(i);
dRefImg(:,idx(i)) = circshift(dSOSImg(:,idx(i)), dNav(i));
dNav = -dNav;
dNav = conv(dNav, fGaussianLP(5), 'same');
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Visualize the result
figure('Name','Navi'), imagesc(dSOSImg(:, 3:end));
colormap gray;
hold all;
plot(dNav(3:end)-mean(dNav) + dX);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Interpolate the navigator data to TR intervals
load([sPath, filesep, sName, '.mat'], 'iLC');
iLC = iLC(1:iNChannels:end, :);
iLC = iLC(iLC(:,7) == 0, :); % first echo
iLC = iLC(iLC(:, 1) == 2*dBaseRes, :); % only "real" readouts

dNav = -dNav;
dNav = dNav - min(dNav);

iNavInd = find((iLC(:,3) == dEchoLine) & (iLC(:,6) == dEchoPartition));
if(length(iNavInd) ~= length(dNav)) % happens at the end when navi not fully acquired
iNavInd = iNavInd(1:length(dNav));
dNavInt = interp1(iNavInd, dNav, 1:length(iLC), 'pchip');
dNavInt_ms = interp1(iNavInd.*dTR, dNav, 1:length(iLC).*dTR, 'pchip');
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Append the navigator data to the LUT file
save([sPath, filesep, sName, '.mat'], 'dNavInt', '-append');
save([sPath, filesep, sName, '.mat'], 'dNavInt_ms', '-append');
save([sPath, filesep, sName, '.mat'], 'dSOSImg', '-append');
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

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