A Nintendo Entertainment System emulator written in python.
(pssst... it's not finished yet)
Why not. This is a project designed as an educational experiment so I can do two things:
- learn how to emulate hardware in software.
- use that knowledge to then learn other languages.
I know python pretty well - I've been using it professionally for (insert flex) years and a I'm pretty comfortable with it (no error; good program).
I've always wanted to learn how to write an emulator, but I don't know other more suitable languages to do that in - so I thought why not just write one in python. Is writing a emulator in python a good idea ? No.
Then I can implement the same emulator in other languages and bing bong boom I've become a
giga-polyglot-chad programmer
- When Mario can jump, I've finished.
I needed a way to confirm my implementation of the CPU was correct, so I found a snake game written in 6502 assembly and given the instructions here, I implemented a snake game using PyGame (SDL) and pyinput for controls and the CPU implementation.
pip install .[dev] # install all the dependencies including dev P.S. on zsh surround '.[dev]' quotes
python3 src/snake.py