npm install think-memcache
You can find all the config options at
const defaultOptions = {
hosts: [''],
maxValueSize: 1048576,
netTimeout: 5000,
reconnect: true
import Memcache from '../index';
let memInst = new Memcache(config);
// set key, expire should be milliseconds
let s1 = await memInst.set('name2', 'lushijie'); // expire = 0
let s2 = await memInst.set('name3', 'lushijie', 3000); // milliseconds
// get key's value
let g1 = await memInst.get('name2');
// delete key
await memInst.delete(key);
// increase 1, key'value should be integer, if key not exist will do nothing
await memInst.increase(key);
// decrease 1, key'value should be integer, if key not exist will do nothing
await memInst.decrease(key);