Up-to-date Prebuilt RISCV GNU toolchain for painless setup. No more build from source everytime. The purpose of this effort is to save time and computer resources for users and a contribution to eco-friendly computing practices.
Prebuilt riscv-gnu-toolchain binaries for x86_64 host running Linux.
Built on Ubuntu Latest and tested on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
This repository makes use of GitHub actions to build the riscv-gnu-toolchain
from source. Just download the prebuilt binaries, add to path and use.
- RV64 Newlib
- RV64 Linux
- RV32 Newlib
- Multi-lib Cross Compiler (Baremetal)
- Multi-lib Cross Compiler (Linux)
If you require a custom configuration, consider building yourself or open an Issue with tag:Enhancement
1- Download prebuilt binaries from GitHub Actions > Artifacts
2- Create directory for sources. Preferred /home/usr/
to avoid the possibility of toolchain affecting any of the system files.
$ sudo mkdir /home/usr/riscv # Create a new directory
3- Extract the downloaded file and paste in newly created directory.
$ sudo tar -xzf riscv-toolchain.tar.gz -C /home/usr/riscv/
4- Add Path to your system environment variables
$ nano .bashrc # Open bashrc
$ export PATH=/home/usr/riscv/riscv-toolchain/bin:$PATH # Add the path at the end
5- Save .bashrc
(Ctrl+O, ENTER, Ctrl+X)
6- Apply Changes
$ source .bashrc
7- Add execute permissions to the source folder
$ sudo chmod -R +x /home/usr/riscv/riscv-toolchain/
Run the following Command
$ riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -v
- You should get
Using built-in specs.
Target: riscv64-unknown-elf
It is highly recommended to install the dependencies mentioned in riscv-gnu-toolchain
readme. It will help avoid getting stuck at several stages if you move forward to building sibling tools.
$ sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl python3 python3-pip libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev libexpat-dev ninja-build git cmake libglib2.0-dev
Congratulations! You have successfully installed the riscv-gnu-toolchain without wasting your system resources.
If you are looking for a customized flavour of riscv-toolchain and want to use this framework, follow the instructions below:
1- Fork this repository and clone in your local machine or edit on GitHub.com
git clone https://github.com/aitesam961/soft-sky-riscv-gnu-prebuilt.git
cd soft-sky-riscv-gnu-prebuilt/.github/workflows
2- Create a new rvxxxxx_tc_build.yaml
3- Make changes here according to your needs:
./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv --with-arch=rv32gc --with-abi=ilp32d
4- Commit (push if on local)
5- Go to GitHub.com/your_forked_repo > Actions > All Workflows > click your created .yaml file and Run Workflow
It will take a while and if all goes well, you should see the artifacts uploaded, else find your errors in build logs.
Contributions from developers like you make open source a vibrant and innovative space. To contribute to soft-sky-riscv-gcc-prebuilt
, please follow the guidelines outlined in the CONTRIBUTING.md
file. Your efforts are highly valued, and together, we can continue to enhance and improve the project for the entire community.