GenArtAPI platform adapter for the Layer art platform.
See main README for details.
yarn add @genart-api/core @genart-api/adpater-layer
# create dest dir
mkdir -p lib
# copy files
cp node_modules/@genart-api/core/*.min.js lib
cp node_modules/@genart-api/adapter-layer/*.min.js lib
If you're a TypeScript user, you'll also want to add the types
field in your
"compilerOptions": {
"types": ["@genart-api/core", "@genart-api/adapter-layer"]
In your HTML wrapper, add the following script tags to the <head>
to load the
core GenArtAPI
and the Layer platform adapter:
<script src="./lib/genart.min.js"></script>
<script src="./lib/adapter-layer.min.js"></script>
See related section in main project README for more details...
Parameter adaptation for different platforms is fully invisible to the artwork and no code changes need to be done in the artwork (which is the entire purpose of platform adapters in this system).
Because Layer only supports a small subset of the parameter types available in
, only the following types can be used for projects intended for this
platform. Some param types will be adapted where possible. Params using other types will
be skipped (i.e. not exposed to Layer) and will only ever evaluate to their
default values. When using such unsupported types, the platform adapter will log
a warning message in the browser console.
Will be represented as a Layer ListParameter
Will be represented as a Layer ColorParameter
Will be represented as a Layer NumberParameter
Will be represented as a Layer HashParameter
. If a
option is defined in the original param spec, it will be converted as follows:
Regexp | Layer Pattern ID |
^[a-zA-Z ]+$ |
^[a-zA-Z0-9_ ]+$ |
^[a-zA-Z0-9-_=]+$ |
"BASE64" |
^[0-9a-f]+$ |
"HEX" |
^[0-9a-fA-F]+$ |
"HEX" |
Any other patterns (or if unspecified) will default to the Layer target
Will be represented as a Layer BooleanParameter
Will be represented as multiple Layer NumberParameter
s, one per vector
Your artwork will still use vectors as param value and the adapter automatically reconciles any changes done to any of the adapted params on the Layer side.
For example, a 3D vector param will be represented (on Layer's side) as
three separate number params. When either of them are modified, this platform
adapter will apply the changes to the correct vector component/index and
propagate the changed vector via the main GenArtAPI
Will be represented as a Layer ListParameter
. Weights will be ignored when
randomizing the param in the Layer GenStudio UI.
Similar to vector params, XY params will also be represented as two
Layer NumberParameter
© 2024 - 2025 Karsten Schmidt // MIT License