- Status
- About
- Core API
- Parameters
- Traits
- Platform adapters
- Time providers
- WebAssembly bindings
- Getting started
- Build information
- Parameter editors
- License
ALPHA — Work in progress... Welcoming feedback! 🙏
Please also see RFCs and open questions in the issue tracker. Thanks!
In the future this repo might be moved to a standalone GitHub org to emphasize that this project is not directly related to other thi.ng projects and instead is intended for any browser based generative art projects and related tooling.
tl;dr Jump to the Getting started section.
Over the past years, generative/computational art has experienced a surge in popularity because of the availability of online art platforms for publishing these works. The number of these platforms keeps on mushrooming, each one defining their own ad hoc solutions to deal with common aspects (e.g. handling of parameters to customize pieces/variations, generating previews, etc.). Often, this means artists have to either already decide on which platform to publish a new piece before they work on it and/or spend a considerable amount of time reworking key aspects (like parameter, screen resolution or time handling) when repurposing a piece for a different use (e.g. creating hires print versions, high-quality video assets, or displaying the piece in a gallery with different configurations or requirements). Since online platforms/startups usually only optimize for their own uses and neglecting the needs of artists regarding asset preparation, adaptation and re-use, we must take it upon ourselves to address these workflow issues more efficiently.
To improve this situation, this project proposes an API layer and a message protocol addressing recurring issues artists encounter when publishing and repurposing browser-based generative artworks — be it for diverse online platforms, environments (incl. offline, galleries, installations), but also aforementioned aspects of media production (for example helping to deal with realtime/non-realtime rendering when recording image sequences for video production, and do so in an unintrusive & externally controlled manner).
Schematic overview of the proposed architecture
The primary purpose of this API is to decouple key aspects commonly used for most generative/computational artworks, to deduplicate feature implementations and reduce the time & effort required for adapting browser-based artworks for different uses/environments. These benefits are not only in the interest of artists, but also simplify how online art platforms can use this API layer to reduce effort on their end, simplify providing customization features for such generative artworks (and even re-use tooling).
Another positive side effect of adapting the system proposed here: The emergence of secondary re-usable tooling to manage parameters and variations, for example: tooling to generate GUI controls for editing params, creating/storing/retrieving parameter presets/collections (aka variations), asset downloaders, transcoding tools. Even at this stage, some of these are existing already and actively being worked on...
In this document & repository we describe the approach, the proposed architecture and provide a TypeScript-based reference implementation, including fully documented interfaces & types, and some example test cases to demonstrate (and validate!) the approach and its benefits.
- Decouple artworks from presentation platform:
- artworks can be authored without direct knowledge of which platform(s) they're being displayed or published at
- Straightforward repurposing/integration of artworks into diverse environments:
- Online art platforms
- Personal websites/portfolios
- Offline, museums, galleries...
- Non-realtime use cases (high-res video/frame recording)
- Any platform-specifics can be injected via small plugin adapters which can
be added to an artwork's HTML wrapper without any code changes required
- Examples of platform-specifics:
- Handling parameter and/or feature declarations exposed by the artwork
- Handling parameter value overrides, param value decoding/encoding
- Handling thumbnail/preview generation
- Defining/forcing display size & densities
- Examples of platform-specifics:
- Provide an extensible, platform-independent parameter system with a set of
commonly used parameter types
- Parameter type-specific validation, coercion, randomization
- Composite parameter types
- Randomized parameter lookups (per individual read)
- Timebased parameters (e.g. ramps)
- Built-in support for custom parameter types and their implementation
- Define a messaging/event system for notification of state & param changes
- For time-based works
- Transport control (aka start/stop/resume)
- Provide choice of time provider plugins:
- Real-time (i.e.
-based animation) and/or - Offline (non-realtime, with configurable fixed time base)
- Real-time (i.e.
- Enable re-usable secondary tooling:
- Auto-generated GUIs for param controls/overrides
- Variation/snapshot/preset creation/selection
- Asset export (w/ param metadata)
This API aims to remain as minimal as possible and will not directly support every feature of every platform, which would cause feature creep, bloat and unsustainable maintenance effort.
Artworks requiring or relying on advanced integrations with a specific platform are naturally highly dependent on those platform features, and so would not benefit from a more platform-independent approach in any way. Therefore, we consider these use cases as out-of-scope.
However, the proposed system is designed to enable platform-specific extensions in several ways, which can highly benefit all parties involved when adopted and can be supported unintrusively. For example, a platform/device can provide sensor input and expose it through a custom parameter type, allowing a mock implementation to be provided when running elsewhere.
- Artwork: A browser-based art piece running in a standard HTML environment
- Platform: The host website, application, or system in which the artwork's HMTL wrapper will be deployed and which might provide parameter customizations, PRNG seeds, control playback behavior, handle preview generation etc.
- Platform adpater: A software plugin for the proposed GenArt API which handles and/or translates all platform specifics
- Time provider: A software plugin for the proposed GenArt API which is used to provide animation time information and schedule animation frames, all controlled by the main GenArt API layer.
The API implements a finite state machine with the following possible states:
: Initial state until the platform adapter, time provider and the artwork's update function have been registered or an error occurred during any init stepsready
: All init steps have been completed and playback of the artwork can commenceplay
: API is currently running the animation loop, ruuning the artworkstop
: Animation loop has been paused/stoppederror
: API is in an unrecoverable error state
Message names have been updated in recent versions and are partially incompatible with older versions. Please see commit details for what has changed and why, and what (might) need to be changed in your projects.
At this stage of the project, the parameter editors are only compatible with artworks using the current version of the GenArtAPI reference implementation.
The API also defines and uses a message protocol to communicate certain lifecycle events, state changes and requests to both internal & external participants. Please see links for descriptions of each message type.
: CaptureMessagegenart:configure
: ConfigureMessagegenart:frame
: AnimFrameMessagegenart:get-info
: GetInfoMessagegenart:info
: InfoMessagegenart:params
: ParamsMessagegenart:param-change
: ParamChangeMessagegenart:param-error
: ParamErrorMessagegenart:randomize-param
: RandomizeParamMessagegenart:resize
: ResizeMessagegenart:resume
: ResumeMessagegenart:set-param-value
: SetParamValueMessagegenart:start
: StartMessagegenart:state-change
: StateChangeMessagegenart:stop
: StopMessagegenart:traits
: TraitsMessage
Messages received via the browser's
mechanism will only be processed by GenArtAPI
if the apiDI
included in
the message matches, or if it's the wildcard ID "*"
. The latter can be used to
broadcast messages to all currently active/receiving GenArtAPI
Use cases for the wildcard ID ("*"
) are related to handling multiple artworks
running in multiple iframes, for example:
- Detection/registration of all currently running
instances by broadcasting a GetInfoMessage, to which each instance then responds with a InfoMessage (which then also includes each instance's actual configuredid
) - Starting/stopping all currently running
instances via single message, e.g.postMessage({ type: "genart:start", apiID: "*"}, "*")
TODO — for now please also see the following links for more messaging related information:
In addition to the detailed API docs, this readme, the source code and the example projects are the best reference.
- @genart-api/core
- @genart-api/adapter-editart
- @genart-api/adapter-fxhash
- @genart-api/adapter-layer
- @genart-api/adapter-urlparams
- @genart-api/time-fps-overlay
Almost all generative artworks use parameters and randomization to produce numerous variations. Exposing some of these parameters to the outside world can allow people/agents to have more participation and direct control over the generative outcomes.
The API supports an extensible set of parameters types with a selection of commonly used types supplied as built-ins (described below).
Each parameter declared by the artwork is a simple vanilla JS object and any param value changes are being handled by the API and the param type’s registered implementation (a set of functions dealing with validation, coercion, updating and reading param values). For convenience & type safety, the API provides factory functions for all built-in parameter types.
The following parameter types are available, but other custom ones can be registered, making the entire system extensible. Each declared param spec is a simple JS object, and the API provides factory functions for all built-in types, helping to fill in any default options.
IMPORTANT: All param declarations must include a desc
(brief description).
There's also the option to define default
values for most parameter types. If
no default value is provided, a randomized value will be chosen within the
constraints of the param.
Generally speaking, parameters can be grouped into static & dynamic parameters with the former providing the same values each time they're read/evaluated and the latter being used for time-based values obtained from otherwise dynamic sources (e.g. sensors).
This section describes the set of static param types:
TODO example
TODO example
This enum-like param can only take on values from a fixed list of options. For simplicity values are always strings, but optionally can also define labels (only used for display purposes by external tooling).
// options
name: "Test param",
desc: "Shape size preset",
options: ["s", "m", "l"],
default: "m",
// ...or using options with labels
name: "Test param",
desc: "Shape size preset",
options: [
["s", "Small"],
["m", "Medium"],
["l", "Large"],
options: "m",
- Drop-down menu
- Radio buttons
CSS hex color value (6 digits only). Other/newer color types (e.g. oklch()
might be supported later, but currently omitted due to lack of native browser
widgets for editing these colors...
name: "Test param",
desc: "Background color",
default: "#aabbcc",
- Color picker
JS Date
value in precision of full days only (UTC midnight).
name: "Test param",
desc: "Best before date",
// default can be given as Date or string in this format
default: "2024-09-05",
- Date & time chooser
- Numeric range slider (UNIX epoch)
JS Date
name: "Test param",
desc: "Date and time",
// default can be given as Date or string in ISO8601 format
default: "2024-09-05T12:34:56+02:00",
- Date & time chooser
- Numeric range slider (UNIX epoch)
Image parameters are used to provide spatially varied param values (e.g. gradient maps, masks etc.) by allowing the artwork to read pixel values from different points in the image.
An image param has a pixel array as value
, alongside width
, height
, which can be:
(8 bits)rgba
(packed int, 32 bits, channels in MSB order: A,R,G,B)
The format
is only used as hint for platform adapters and external tooling
(e.g. GUI param editors) to optimize their handling of the image data. I.e. an
image with mode gray
can be encoded as byte sequence vs. rgba
requiring 4
bytes per pixel. Likewise a param editor allowing image uploads/customizations
is responsible to resize an image to the expected dimensions and provide its
data in the expected format.
Note to artists: Ensure to keep your image size requirements as low as possible! Storing image data in URL parameters (as done by most platforms) has hard browser-defined limits and this param type is not (yet?) supported by any of the major online art platforms.
The reference implementation platform adapter encodes image data using gzip compression and base64 encoding.
For simplicity, only lists of numeric or string values are supported by default:
![IMPORTANT] These param types are fully functioning, but please see editor support for implementation progress to allow user customizations.
name: "test",
desc: "List of numbers",
default: [1, 2, 3],
name: "test",
desc: "List of strings",
default: ["a", "b", "c"],
Numeric value from a closed range/interval (defined by min
, defaulting
to [0, 100]). If step
is given, the value will be rounded to multiples of
(always clamped to min/max).
name: "Test param",
desc: "Pick a multiple of 5 between 0-100",
min: 0,
max: 100,
step: 5,
- number dial/slider with value label
- number input field
Single or multi-line text, optionally with minLength
regexp pattern validation.
name: "Test param",
desc: "Seed phrase",
maxLength: 256,
match: "^[a-z ]+$",
multiline: true,
- Single or multiline text input field
Time-of-day parameter with values as [hour, minute, second]
-tuples in 24h format.
- HMS time chooser
- HMS dropdown menus
- HMS text input fields
On/off switch (boolean) parameter.
- checkbox
n-dimensional vector parameter.
defines vector size (number of dimensions)min
can be given as scalars or vectorslabels
are only mandatory forsize > 4
, otherwise default to XYZW
If step
is given, each vector component value will be rounded to multiples of
(always clamped to min/max).
name: "Test param",
desc: "3D vector",
size: 3, // dimensions, mandatory
min: 0,
max: 1,
step: 0.01,
labels: ["X", "Y", "Z"],
default: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3],
- per-component slider/dial
Similar to the Choice parameter type, but here each option also has an associated weight/importance. When randomizing this parameter, a new value is chosen based on the probability distribution defined by the relative weights given to each option.
Note: The options can be given in any order and their weights are always only
treated relative to each other. The $genart.params.weighted()
factory function
is automatically sorting these options by weight and pre-computes their total
If no default value is given, it will be picked randomly (using the weights, as described above).
// define color options with these probabilities:
// - black: 8/15th (53%)
// - cyan: 4/15th (27%)
// - magenta: 2/15th (13%)
// - yellow: 1/15th (7%)
name: "Test param",
desc: "Controlled randomness",
options: [
// format: [weight, value]
[8, "black"],
[4, "cyan"],
[2, "magenta"],
[1, "yellow"],
// optionally, labels can be provided for each option
name: "Test param",
desc: "With labels",
options: [
// format: [weight, value, label]
[8, "#000", "black"],
[4, "#0ff", "cyan"],
[2, "#f0f", "magenta"],
[1, "#ff0", "yellow"],
- Drop-down menu
- Radio buttons
A 2D dimensional tuple for values in the [0,0] .. [1,1] range. Useful to control two co-dependent parameters using an XY controller/touchpad...
name: "Test param",
desc: "Bottom-left: [dark,dry] / Top-right: [bright,wet]",
default: [0.5, 0.5],
- XY pad controller
- Pair of sliders (X & Y individually)
Dynamic parameters are either time-based (using a abstract notion of "time") or otherwise produce values which could change each time a parameter is being read/evaluated by the artwork (e.g. sensor inputs).
Unlike static param types, these parameters have no default value and their actual value is always computed.
A ramp defines a one-dimensional curve/gradient via a number of stops/keyframes, from which then an actual value will be derived by sampling the curve at a specific position. Ramp are different to other parameter types in that they're mostly intended for time-based parameters whose value should evolve over time (rather than being a static quantity).
Ramps support any number of stops/keyframes (though, at least 2 are required!) and by default the API supports the following interpolation modes:
: linear interpolation (default)exp
: exponential interpolationsmooth
: smoothstep
Recommended GUI widget:
name: "Test param",
desc: "Brightness over time",
stops: [
[0, 0.1],
[0.9, 1],
[1, 0],
mode: "smooth",
The system supports registering custom parameter types and their implementation
These can be useful to provide additional app-specific or platform-specific
parameters (e.g. values obtained from arbitrary hardware sensors to which an
artwork might respond dynamically).
The registerParamType()
allows overriding of existing param type
implementations, but doing so will print a warning. When an artwork or platform
registers its own types, it SHOULD consider namespacing the type name, e.g.
The following example shows how to implement, register and then use a sine wave oscillator parameter type, providing time-based values. A more advanced version is shown in the param-custom example.
// define a new param type with given name and implementation.
interface OscParam extends Param<number> {
type: "user:sinosc";
freq: number;
amp: number;
offset: number;
// this implementation does not allow any customizations or value randomization
// (the latter is common to all dynamic params, since the value is ALWAYS computed)
$genart.registerParamType("user:sinosc", {
// for brevity we decide this param cannot be customized (once defined)
valid: (spec, key, value) => false,
// the read function is called each time this param is evaluated,
// here to provide a time-based value
read: (spec, t) => {
const { freq, amp, offset } = <OscParam>spec;
return Math.sin(t * freq * Math.PI * 2) * amp + offset;
// register parameter
const param = $genart.setParams({
sine: {
type: "user:sinosc", // param type (should be unique)
freq: 0.25, // frequency in Hz
amp: 5, // amplitude
offset: 5, // center offset
default: 0, // ignored
$genart.setUpdate((t) => {
// current time in seconds
t *= 0.001;
// evaluate param
console.log(t, param("sine", t));
// keep on animating
return true;
Composite parameter types contain child parameters to allow the main param be
configured in more detailed/complex ways. Usually, a composite parameter type
will define a
method to dynamically produce values, based on the current configuration
of its child params.
An example of such a composite parameter type is an extended version of the oscillator described in the previous section.
Please see the param-custom example for reference...
Some platforms support the concept of artist-defined metadata, commonly called "traits" or "features". In most cases, this metadata is a key-value dictionary, where the keys are arbitrarily defined criteria the artist wants to expose, and usually, the values are derived from the current parameter configuration of a particular variation.
This API principally supports this use case via the $genart.setTraits()
function, but it's the platform adapter's responsibility to deal with this
information provided, i.e. declaring traits has zero impact on any other
workings or state of the API layer.
The value of a single trait can be a number, string or boolean.
// declare a single param
const param = await $genart.setParams({
bright: $genart.params.range({
name: "brightness",
desc: "overall brightness",
min: 0,
max: 100,
// internal random param
const density = $genart.random.rnd();
// declare traits to outside world
brightness: param("bright") < 50 ? "dark" : "light",
density: Math.floor(density * 100) + "%",
TODO This section will describe the role(s) of adapters responsible for providing (deployment) platform-specific functionality and interop features.
TODO write docs
TODO write docs
Related issues/RFCs:
Platform adapters are responsible to provide a seedable and resettable,
deterministic pseudo-random number generator which the artwork can access via
Usually, the adapter just has to wrap the PRNG provided by the respective
For cases where a platform does not provide its own PRNG, the API core package
provides the widely used SFC32 PRNG implementation, which can be used by an
adapter (or artwork) — also see the related defPRNG()
Platform adapters are responsible to provide screen/canvas dimensions (and pixel
density information) to the artwork, and the latter MUST use the
accessor to obtain this information (rather than directly querying
etc.). This accessor returns a ScreenConfig
This approach gives the platform full control to define fixed dimensions, irrespective of actual window dimensions and also be in charge of resizing behavior.
Similar to the above, artwork which aims to be responsive to changing screen
configurations MUST NOT listen to window
resize events directly, but MUST add
a listener for genart:resize
messages, like so:
// resize events contain the new screen config
$genart.on("genart:resize", ({ screen }) => {
console.log("new screen info:", screen.width, screen.height, screen.dpr);
If an artwork is unable to dynamically respond to resize events, it should at least implement a handler which reloads the window on resize, like so:
$genart.on("genart:resize", () => location.reload());
A time provider is a further decoupling mechanism to allow artists (or platforms) to re-purpose an artwork in different media production or asset management contexts. Common scenarios include: an artist (or platform) might want to produce high-res outputs or high-quality video assets which can only be created by running the piece at a much lower frame rate (or a frame rate controlled via external events/triggers). In order to protect the artwork code from having to be adjusted for these use cases, the API uses pluggable timing providers which are merely responsible to schedule the next animation frame and provide a related timestamp and frame number.
The API defaults to using a requestAnimationFrame()
but this one can be replaced by loading an alternative implementation via
another <script>
tag, like so:
<!-- main GenArtAPI script -->
<script src="./lib/genart.js"></script>
optional: use custom time provider (e.g. for non-realtime rendering of image sequences)
configure API to use offline time (new frame every 250 ms, time base: 60 fps)
IMPORTANT: MUST be loaded AFTER the main genart script!
$genart.setTimeProvider($genart.time.offline(250, 60));
The following time providers are included in the API reference implementation:
Default TimeProvider, requestAnimationFrame()-based. Start time & frame offsets can be provided (both defaulting to zero).
A time provider for fixed frame rates, offline (aka non-realtime) animation use cases, e.g. recording image sequences. Supports arbitrary delays between frames (default: 250ms) and reference frame rates (default: 60fps).
Since v0.22.0 this time provider is distributed as separate package
Similar to the RAF time provider, but also collects FPS samples and injects a canvas overlay to visualize recent frame rates and compute moving min, max and average. The visualization can be configured via provided options.
Altough the main GenArtAPI project is a JavaScript-centric GenArt API workflow/setup, we also want to provide integrations for other languages, e.g. via WebAssembly.
The @genart-api/wasm package provides WASM bindings for GenArtAPI and is designed as an API module/plugin for the thi.ng/wasm-api toolchain, and includes polyglot bindings code for both Zig & TypeScript/JavaScript.
The reference implementation of the API provided has no dependencies.
This repo contains several examples used for testing and evaluating the reference API implementation. These are all separate projects/packages located in the /examples directory. Please ensure you read their README instructions, since a certain build order must be used in some situations:
Project | Live demo w/ editor | Description |
p5-basic | Demo | Basic p5.js example |
param-test | Demo | Minimal "art" example using various parameter types |
param-image | Demo | Example using an image map parameter |
param-custom | Demo | Custom & composite parameter type example |
param-editors | Demo | Reference editor implementations |
zig-test | Demo | Zig/WebAssembly API wrapper example (WIP) |
Please refer or contribute to issue #2: List of art platforms we should provide adapters for
The following art platforms are already supported and projects can be easily adapted by merely installing and switching to a different platform adapter.
Please refer to the readme's of the individual adapter packages for further details about handling any platform specifics:
Package | Art platform | Description |
@genart-api/adapter-editart | EditArt | Adapter for the EditArt platform |
@genart-api/adapter-fxhash | fx(hash) | Adapter for the fx(hash) art platform |
@genart-api/adapter-layer | Layer.com | Adapter for the Layer art platform |
@genart-api/adapter-urlparams | Reference implementation (used for the param editors bundled in this repo) |
This repo contains an empty project template as starting point for new projects. The template uses TypeScript & Vite, but can be very easily adapted to other tooling (eg. there's hardly any code, so switching to JavaScript requires just renaming the source file).
- TODO move template to own repo for easier use
git clone https://github.com/thi-ng/genart-api.git
# copy template to new directory
cp -R genart-api/project-template my-new-art-project
# install dependencies (genart api, typescript, vite)
cd my-new-art-project
yarn install
The @genart-api/core package contains
the pre-built release files & type declarations, but it's not an ESM module
which can (or even should) be imported via import
syntax. The API is always
provided as singleton via the global $genart
Instead, the JS file(s) should be copied to your project's /lib
dir (or
similar) to be referenced by a <script>
tag in your HTML wrapper (see below):
yarn add @genart-api/core
# you'll also need a platform adapter, for example
yarn add @genart-api/adpater-urlparams
# create dest dir
mkdir -p lib
# copy files
cp node_modules/@genart-api/core/*.js lib
cp node_modules/@genart-api/adapter-urlparams/*.js lib
If you're a TypeScript user, you'll also want to add the @genart-api/core
package to the types
field in your tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"types": ["@genart-api/core"]
...or add a type declaration file with the following content to your /src
/// <reference types="@genart-api/core" />
Then you should be ready to go to the next step...
If you don't want to use a package manager, the
/dist directory contains
all pre-built release files and type declarations which you should copy to your
project directory (e.g. in a /lib
dir or similar).
If you're a TypeScript user, you'll also want to add a declaration file with the
following content to your /src
/// <reference types="../lib/genart.d.ts" />
This section explains the basic approach to create a GenArtAPI
conformant art
project and assumes you have installed the API files/types via one of the ways
described above.
<script src="./lib/genart.min.js"></script>
The repo provides a basic platform adapter for sourcing
parameters via URL query string (aka
This adapter can be useful during local development, or used as basis for other
use cases:
<script src="./lib/adapter-urlparams.min.js"></script>
HTML example wrapper (click to expand)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>Hello GenArtAPI</title>
<!-- main GenArtAPI script -->
<script src="./lib/genart.js"></script>
<!-- platform adapter -->
<script src="./lib/adapter-urlparams.js"></script>
body {
margin: 0;
overflow: hidden;
optional: use custom time provider (e.g. for non-realtime rendering of image sequences)
configure API to use offline time (new frame every 250 ms, time base: 60 fps)
// $genart.setTimeProvider($genart.time.offline(250, 60));
<!-- User artwork script -->
<script type="module" src="/src/index.js"></script>
Minimal example artwork script (click to expand)
// index.js
(async () => {
// ensure platform adapter is ready
await $genart.waitForAdapter();
// declare parameters
const param = await $genart.setParams({
bgColor: $genart.params.color({
name: "Bg color", // mandatory human readable name
desc: "Canvas background color", // mandatory brief description
doc: "Optional extended documentation or usage hints",
default: "#0000ff", // default value (if omitted, will be initialized to random...)
update: "reload", // trigger reload on value change
// this param has no default, so will be initialized to random value
// (unless the platform provides a customized value)
maxR: $genart.params.range({
name: "Max radius",
desc: "Maximum brush size",
min: 10,
max: 100,
step: 5,
// obtain screen config
const { width, height, dpr } = $genart.screen;
// alias PRNG function (for convenience)
const random = $genart.random.rnd;
// create canvas
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// use param (in TS param value types will be inferred automatically)
ctx.fillStyle = param("bgColor");
// clear canvas
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
// main update/draw function
// time (in milliseconds) and frame number supplied by GenArtAPI & time provider
const update = (time, frame) => {
const radius = random() * param("maxR");
ctx.strokeStyle = "#000";
ctx.arc(random() * width, random() * height, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
console.log(time, frame);
// function must return true for animation to continue
return true;
// register update function
// depending on platform adapter/specifics, in most cases
// this will also auto-start animation...
yarn install
# output files will be written to /dist
yarn build
# generate TypeScript type declarations (also written to /dist)
yarn build:types
The following command is used to create production builds of all examples:
# from the repo root
yarn build:examples
At this stage of the project, the parameter editors are only compatible with artworks using the current version of the GenArtAPI reference implementation.
The repo contains two reference implementations of GUI parameter editors to
modify param values exposed by an artwork running in an embedded <iframe>
These editors can be used to customize parameters of the other bundled
examples (or any other project using GenArt API and the
supplied reference platform adapter). See the
for details.
The following table provides an overview of the current (WIP) support of parameter types in both editors:
Param type | thi.ng/rdom editor | thi.ng/imgui editor |
Bigint | ❌ | ❌ |
Binary | ❌ | ❌ |
Choice | ✅ | ✅ |
Color | ✅ | ✅ (1) |
Composite params | ❌ | ✅ (2) |
Date | ✅ | ✅ |
Datetime | ✅ | ❌ |
Image | ✅ | ❌ |
List (3) | ❌ | ❌ |
Range | ✅ | ✅ |
Ramp | ❌ | ✅ |
Text | ✅ | ✅ (4) |
Time | ✅ | ❌ |
Toggle | ✅ | ✅ |
Vector | ✅ | ✅ |
Weighted choice | ✅ | ✅ |
XY | ✅ (1) | ✅ |
- (1) No dedicated widget yet, using fallback only
- (2) See composite parameter types
- (3) Both number or string
- (4) Only single line, not mobile friendly
© 2024 - 2025 Karsten Schmidt and contributors // MIT License