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Running task web from behind Apache with ssl

jagipson edited this page Jul 17, 2012 · 1 revision

This will use Apache to add SSL and Basic Authentication to task-web. Note that task-web has it's own internal authentication; I've chosen to use Apache's in this case. You could use task-web's auth, just remove the Apache authentication configuration lines.

This assumes:

  • apache and task-web are running on the same system
  • apache is already configured to use SSL
  • you want to run the entire task-web in the /taskweb location. (This allows you to run other apps in other locations.
    ProxyRequests Off
    <Location /taskweb/>
      AuthType Basic 
      AuthName Private
      AuthUserFile /var/www/passwd
      Require user jdoe
      ProxyPass http://localhost:5678/
      ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:5678/
      SetOutputFilter proxy-html 
      ProxyHTMLExtended On
      ProxyHTMLURLMap / /taskweb/
      ProxyHTMLURLMap /taskweb/
    Redirect /ajax/count /taskweb/ajax/count
    Redirect /images/logo.png /taskweb/images/logo.png
    Redirect /images/tab_background.gif /taskweb/images/tab_background.gif
    Redirect /images/subnav_background.gif /taskweb/images/subnav_background.gif