This is a custom discord.js v14 ticket system full remade by Ducko little help by Roald;)
Credit to Roald for helping with some of the code<3
- Roald Modal Handler
- Roald Button Handler
- npm i mongoose
- npm i discord-html-transcripts
- npm i [email protected]
- Changed Design
- Added Add-Remove Command
- Added Button Handler requirements
- Added modal Handler requirements
- Added Claim Button
- Added Modal Close Reason
- Added Ticket Counter
- Added Delete-Setup Command
- Added Delete-Counter Command (Resets the counter)
- Fixed ClaimedBy code in Ticket Modal
- Place Commands in your command folder
- Place Buttons in your button folder using Roald Button Handler
- Place Modals in your modal folder using Roald Modal Handler
- Place Schemas the schemas in your schema folder
- Make the paths right for your bot!
- Any errors? Scroll down!
- be sure to add this to your ready.js file.
const { MongoDB } = require("MongoDB URL");
const { connect } = require("mongoose");
module.exports = {
name: "ready",
once: true,
async execute(client) {
connect(MongoDB).then(() => {
console.log(`Mongoose Connected`);
Any errors join my Discord or dm me! Ducko#7068
if you want to contribute create a fork of this project and when you are done editing it update the fork and create a pull request.