tztail (TimeZoneTAIL) allows you to view logs in the timezone you want. Its tail with timezone.
Using Homebrew
brew tap thecasualcoder/stable
brew install tztail
Using Cargo
cargo install tztail
$ tztail --help
tztail (TimeZoneTAIL) allows you to view logs in the timezone you want
tztail [FILE]
-t, --timezone <TIMEZONE> Sets the timezone in which output should be printed. (Default: local timezone)
-f, --follow Follow the file indefinitely as changes are added. (Default: Off)
--format <FORMAT> Custom format for parsing dates. (Default: autodetected patterns)
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
<FILE> File to tail. STDIN by default
- Supports few standard formats with which auto detection is done when parsing logs.
- Supports specifying custom format for parsing in case it is a non-standard format. See here for formats.
- Autodetect source timezone if present in logs. Example (
is CET) - Output logs to local timezone by default
Most used autodetectable formats
Name | Example |
RFC2822 | Fri, 28 Nov 2014 12:00:09 +0000 |
RFC3339 | 2014-11-28T12:00:09+0000 |
Nginx Log format | 04/Nov/2018:12:13:49 +0000 |
This tool can be used to convert timestamps in a log to any desired timezone while tailing logs. Eg. In case your logs are in UTC and you want to view it in a different timezone say. Asia/Kolkata (IST), pipe the logs through tztail
## Example usage
$ cat somelog # A log in UTC
2018-11-03 19:47:20.279044 I mvcc: finished scheduled compaction at 104794 (took 748.443µs)
2018-11-03 19:52:20.282913 I mvcc: store.index: compact 105127
$ cat somelog | tztail --timezone Asia/Kolkata # Timestamps converted to IST
2018-11-04 01:17:20.279044 I mvcc: finished scheduled compaction at 104794 (took 748.443µs)
2018-11-04 01:22:20.282913 I mvcc: store.index: compact 105127
It allows to specify a custom format as well.
## Example usage
$ cat somelog # A log in non-standard format
2018-11-03 20:07:20 mvcc: store.index: compact 106120
2018-11-03 20:07:20 mvcc: finished scheduled compaction at 106120 (took 933.25µs)
$ cat somelog | tztail -t Asia/Kolkata --format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
2018-11-04 01:37:20 mvcc: store.index: compact 106120
2018-11-04 01:37:20 mvcc: finished scheduled compaction at 106120 (took 933.25µs)
Checkout the code and build locally. Needs rust compiler 1.30 or above.
$ git clone
$ cd tztail
# To build binary locally
$ cargo build --release
# To install binary locally in Cargo bin path
$ cargo install
# To run tests
$ cargo test